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Re: [ceqli] Digest Number 119

on 3/8/03 11:38 AM, John F. Schilke, MD at jfs.md@hidden.email wrote:

>> Yes, I think 'vo' is now superfluous.  Make sense to everybody?
>> I think there is no pronoun 'one' in Ceqli, in the sense of "One speaks
>> English here".  Better to use a be-formation.
>> Ci Heqlabol bezu.  Here English-language is-used.  (I like zu better than
>> ploy for 'use')
> In general, I subscribe to the dictum that the passive is to be
> eschewed, so I prefer using a "one" form, of any kind, over a "be" form,
> even though it might be shorter.

Technically, 'be' forms aren't passives.
Go fir zi.  I fear you
Zi befir go.  You scare me.

But, no reason why we can't have a 'one' word for such usage.  Anybody have
any ideas? One thing might be the introduction of another tV word, with the
meaning of "-generally."  Let's say it's 'tu"

To xyen kom karn.  The dog (the one already mentioned) eats meat.
Ta xyen kom karn.    A dog eats meat. (in answer to "What's going on in the
next room?")
Tu xyen kom karn.    Dogs-generally eat meat.

Tu jin ci bol heqlabol.


> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
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