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On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 10:18:15AM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote: > > somdiq ? Some thing, something: somda - some (pron.); > > henidiq ? Any thing (noun): henida - any (pronoun); > Not sure about these two. Feedback? That meaning of "som" is idiomatic to English, and wouldn't be at all useful except next to "diq". "ta diq" already means that. I'm not sure about "heni". There are places where you have to say "anything" instead of "something" in English for no real reason (like "I can't see anything"), but there are also times when you can use both and "anything" emphasizes that it doesn't matter what it is. I suppose that as long as it's only used in the second case, "heni" would be good. > > zoydiq ? No thing (noun): zoyda - none (pronoun); > Either this or just buda, budiq, bujin > feedback? Whatever the word for "zero" is should serve this purpose. > > kuldiq ? all things, every thing: kulda - all (prn.); > > gerdiq ? other thing, another (n.): gerda - (an)other; > > gaqdiq ? the thing just mentioned: gaqda - that ref. > The more I think about it, the less I like gaq. How about reserving "co" > for the 'abstract' position word meaning "the just-mentioned position", so > coda would replace gaqda. That leaves us with "ce". Could that mean "the > about-to-be-mentioned position"? "Ciq tiq ceda!" would mean "listen up!" I like that. -- Rob Speer