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on 3/7/03 6:41 PM, Ray Bergmann at rayberau@hidden.email wrote: >> Of course, the speaker has the option to use >> the -da forms, or the >> -diq (cidiq, cadiq, cudiq) when definitely speaking >> of "things." Or, for >> that matter, cijin, cajin, cujin with people. > > And do we also have these forms?: > kwadiq ?what (thing): kwada - what (pronoun); > cidiq ? this thing: cida - this (pronoun); > cadiq ? that thing (by you): cada - that (by you); > cudiq ? that (distant) thing: cuda - that (distant); Yes. > somdiq ? Some thing, something: somda - some (pron.); > henidiq ? Any thing (noun): henida - any (pronoun); Not sure about these two. Feedback? > zoydiq ? No thing (noun): zoyda - none (pronoun); Either this or just buda, budiq, bujin feedback? > kuldiq ? all things, every thing: kulda - all (prn.); > gerdiq ? other thing, another (n.): gerda - (an)other; > gaqdiq ? the thing just mentioned: gaqda - that ref. The more I think about it, the less I like gaq. How about reserving "co" for the 'abstract' position word meaning "the just-mentioned position", so coda would replace gaqda. That leaves us with "ce". Could that mean "the about-to-be-mentioned position"? "Ciq tiq ceda!" would mean "listen up!" > > Does "da" mean third person pronoun "one" as well as > "he/she/it"? In that case then "cada" could indeed > replace "cavo", unless "vo" meaning individual is > another possible variation in this group: that (adj.), > that (pron.),that thing, that one, that individual, > that person, that place, that sort of, that time, that > amount, that reason,.... Yes, I think 'vo' is now superfluous. Make sense to everybody? I think there is no pronoun 'one' in Ceqli, in the sense of "One speaks English here". Better to use a be-formation. Ci Heqlabol bezu. Here English-language is-used. (I like zu better than ploy for 'use') Feeback on any of this?