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Re: [txeqli] More cina (root words)

On Sun, Jun 09, 2002 at 09:20:47PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> Hm.  Sure.  Now, we really need to decide what to do about this -r ending.
> If we use -r to convert a smalvor into a preya, then all words of the form
> CV(V)r are going to look like converted smalvor.  Is that okay?  If it is,
> then we have to be careful not to make a CV(V)r that we _need_ for that
> purpose.  Or should we restrict CV(V)r to derivations of CV(V)'s?

This is why I originally suggested -q instead of -r for this.

I think that we may end up using the Lojban method of simply adding
whatever consonant is available.

> > Though I do like "ble" for this. It's more distinguishable from another
> > very common suffix, "gan".
> I do, too.  So shall we replace kan with ble both as a word and a suffix?

Considering that the word *is* the suffix, as part of how Ceqli's
compounds work, yes.

> Right again.  We could have 'tal' from Dutch, Cantonese goq, meaning speak,
> or truncated English 'spi'.  I'm inclined to spi, myself.  You?

"spi" is fine. Heck, it's already been used for that in another conlang
- it's the "spi" in "guaspi".

Rob Speer