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Re: [txeqli] Re: Eek no.- Baseline?

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 06:13:56PM -0600, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> I believe you're right that it makes minimal difference that pi become pin,
> etc.   If we do that, the available CV(V)'s are
> 13 C x 6 V = 78 CV's
> And the available VV's would be a maximum of 6x6, or 36, times 13 C's, or
> 468 CVV's.
> 78 CV's plus 468 CVV's =   546 CV(V)'s
> Add to that 6 jV's and 6 wV's, or twelve times 13 consonants, we'll have 156
> more, to a total of 600 even.
> And when we go thru the VV's and eliminate some for whatever reason, we'll
> still have plenty, and can have a much more loose-packed set.
> Shall we baseline it?

Well, I'm still rather opposed to allowing vowel combinations like "ay"
(y = schwa), "ee", "ao", "ea" (this one would tend to be pronounced as
"eja"), "ou", etc. I'll concede iV and uV, since the accent would go on
the i or the u and thus it would be rather distinct from jV and wV.

So: 13 C x (a e i o u y ai ei oi au ia ie io iu iy ja je jo ju jy ua ue
ui uo uy wa we wi wo wy) = 390, which should be enough.
(I think the 210 might even be reduced further, as cmavo that refer to
the 4th and 5th places of a predicate can be dropped.)

I've even been convinced that j and w as semivowels are a better
orthography than using i and u, so go ahead and use the "Javier system".

Rob Speer