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Re: [txeqli] Re: Eek no.

On Mon, Apr 22, 2002 at 02:51:46PM -0000, uaxuctum wrote:
> > I'd have no trouble if 'au' is a diphthong and 'ao' is not, but if 
> they're
> > both diphthongs they sound very similar when I pronounce 
> them ?because of
> > the glide you mention.   If both are two-syllables, I don't have 
> much
> > problem.
> Well, then I suppose there will be no problem with ao
> and au, as they're supposed to be two syllables
> separated by a glottal stop, I think.

If vowels are separated by a glottal stop, it will prevent using a
glottal stop at the beginning of words that begin with a vowel or weak
(such as names and possibly other words). Plus all those glottal stops
would get very tiring. Do you honestly think that would be better than
Lojban's h sound to separate vowels (which I also think should not be

Rob Speer