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cmavo (was: vowel pairs)

--- In txeqli@y..., Rex May - Baloo <rmay@m...> wrote:
> Glottal stops are fine with me.  That would give us 8x8
> or 64 vowel pairs, times six plosives, or 384 cmavo 
> from there, plus 36 CV's, or a total of 420 cmavo of the 
> shape PV(V).  Is this math right? How did I come up with 
> so few before?

I'm not sure it's a good idea to use every possible legal 
combination. Having lots of commonly-used words that look 
and sound almost identical can make it hard to communicate 
in any noisy environment.

Personally, I love it when only perhaps a quarter of the 
available phonemes are used. Fortunately, I suspect you'll 
be able to get by with FAR fewer than 420 cmavo, so it 
should work itself out.

Just a thought.
