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Re: vowel pairs

> How does all this sound to everybody?  And?  Rob?  If everybody is 
> with the phonology we can baseline it and start generating cmavo.

Fine with me. A pretty good-looking phoneme chart

.............|. labial .| dent-alve | palat-velar | gl |
plosives: ...| p .......|. t .......|......... k .|. ' |
.............| b .......|. d .......|......... g .|....|
fricatives: .|...... f .|....... s .|. c .........|. h |
.............|...... v .|....... z .|. x .........|....|
nasals: .....| m .......|. n .......|......... q .|....|
liquids: ....|..........|. l .......|.............|....|
.............|..........|. r .......|.............|....|
semivowels: .|..........|...........|. j ..... w .|....|
vowels: .....|........................ i . y . u ..... |
.............|.......................... e . o ....... |
.............|............................ a ......... |

and no real oddities about the use of the roman alphabet.
