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Re: [txeqli] Re: vowel pairs

on 4/18/02 3:16 AM, uaxuctum at uaxuctum@hidden.email wrote:

> I don't see any good reason for taking away any
> vowel combination. If you pronounce the vowels and
> the glides properly, there should be no risk of
> confusion nor "unpronouncability"; e.g. aa would be
> pronounced like English "ah-ah", "ij" would pronounce
> almost as a long English "ee" ("i" alone shouldn't be
> as long as that and "ii" would have a glottal stop in
> between as in the hawaiian pronounciation of Hawai'i).

Glottal stops are fine with me.  That would give us 8x8
or 64 vowel pairs, times six plosives, or 384 cmavo from there, plus 36
CV's, or a total of 420 cmavo of the shape PV(V).  Is this math right? How
did I come up with so few before?

> You can consider the option of turning the schwa into
> a glide, so that "iy" would be just one syllable and
> pronounced as the English vowel in "fear". "ey" would
> sound like in "bear", "oy" almost like Romanian diphthong
> "oa", "uy" like in "tour" and "ay" almost as a long "a".
> For "yi", "ye", etc. just reverse the sound of the
> preceding. The difference between "ay" and "ya" would
> be like that between "ij" and "ji" and "uw" and "wu",
> i.e. in practice they would sound like a long vowel with
> a stress respectively in its first and in its second mora.

Yikes!  I'm American, South Midlands dialect (If you've seen 'Gunsmoke', I
sound rather like Festus).   I think the 'Bear' and 'fear' are
British-sounding things.  Or Southern US things. Anyhow, I think I agree all
around.  I think your 'bear' or  Ceqli 'bey' would sound like Jimmy Carter
saying 'Bayer'.  I'm inclined to go with one irregularity.  I think we'll
have penultimate stress in morphemes and compounds, but we will ignore 'y'
in determining stress.   That is, 'ey' will be EH-uh and 'ye' will be
'uh-EH.'  And I'd allow either a glide or a glottal stop, but definitely two
syllables.  Always two syllables in all of these, except of course when 'j'
or 'w' are one of the letters.

More on 'y'.  I want 'y' to be always unstressed (except in odd cases like a
word with all y's in it, like, say 'tynym', in which case it would of course
be TUH-nuhm), partly because I want to change the 'passive' particle 'be' to
'by'.  This would sound better to me, especially when it's used in
'bracketing' words, like 'to kan byto'.  Also, I'd like to revive the Loglan
practice of converting cmavo into preda with an -r, so that byr can be the
combining form with preda.
To pani dan to spun.  To spun by dan to pani.
The water is in the spoon.  The spoon contains the water.
To spun da byrdan.
The spoon is a container.
It also can have the delightful effect of preserving stress in borrowings
like 'baloo' as 'bylu' :)

How does all this sound to everybody?  And?  Rob?  If everybody is happy
with the phonology we can baseline it and start generating cmavo.

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/