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Rex: #how high-frequency are the Lojban cmavo? With 595, many of them have #to be pretty low-frequency. To some extent their frequency is a function of their length, with monosyllabic cmavo preferred to disyllabic. So frequency statistics for cmavo would not be a wholly reliable guide to their relative utility. On the whole I think it is preferable for word-length to reflect word frequency (i.e. to assign the shortest forms to be most often needed words) rather than reflect the distinction between 'content' words and 'function' words. I have done a quick run through the Lojban cmavo list to see which could be discarded or replaced by 'content' words. Discarding the fairly obvious stuff leaves a list of 210 items, which could be further pruned quite drastically. Here is the list of 210 items: .a A sumti or .e A sumti and .o A sumti iff .u A sumti whether ji A sumti conn ? ba'e BAhE emphasize next za'e BAhE nonce-word next be BE link sumti bei BEI link more sumti cei CEI pro-bridi assign be'e COI request to send co'o COI partings coi COI greetings fe'o COI over and out fi'i COI hospitality je'e COI roger ju'i COI attention ke'o COI please repeat ki'e COI thanks mi'e COI self-introduction mu'o COI over nu'e COI promise pe'u COI please re'i COI ready to receive ta'a COI interruption vi'o COI wilco doi DOI vocative marker fa FA 1st sumti place fai FA extra sumti place fe FA 2nd sumti place fi FA 3rd sumti place fi'a FA sumti place ? fo FA 4th sumti place fu FA 5th sumti place fa'o FAhO end of text ga GA fore or ge GA fore and ge'i GA fore conn ? go GA fore iff gu GA fore whether bu'a GOhA some selbri 1 bu'e GOhA some selbri 2 bu'i GOhA some selbri 3 co'e GOhA unspecif bridi du GOhA same identity as go'a GOhA recent bridi go'e GOhA penultimate bridi go'i GOhA last bridi go'o GOhA future bridi go'u GOhA earlier bridi mo GOhA bridi ? nei GOhA current bridi no'a GOhA next outer bridi goi GOI pro-sumti assign ne GOI incidental phrase no'u GOI incidental identity pe GOI restrictive phrase po'u GOI restrictive identity ce JOI in a set with ce'o JOI in a sequence with fa'u JOI and respectively jo'e JOI union jo'u JOI in common with joi JOI in a mass with ju'e JOI vague connective ku'a JOI intersection pi'u JOI cross product da KOhA1 something 1 de KOhA1 something 2 di KOhA1 something 3 da'e KOhA2 eventual utterance da'u KOhA2 earlier utterance de'e KOhA2 soon utterance de'u KOhA2 recent utterance dei KOhA2 this utterance di'e KOhA2 next utterance di'u KOhA2 last utterance do'i KOhA2 unspecif utterance do KOhA3 you do'o KOhA3 you and others ko KOhA3 imperative ma'a KOhA3 we with you mi KOhA3 me mi'a KOhA3 we, not you mi'o KOhA3 me and you fo'a KOhA4 it-6 fo'e KOhA4 it-7 fo'i KOhA4 it-8 fo'o KOhA4 it-9 fo'u KOhA4 it-10 ko'a KOhA4 it-1 ko'e KOhA4 it-2 ko'i KOhA4 it-3 ko'o KOhA4 it-4 ko'u KOhA4 it-5 vo'a KOhA4 x1 it vo'e KOhA4 x2 it vo'i KOhA4 x3 it vo'o KOhA4 x4 it vo'u KOhA4 x5 it ra KOhA5 recent sumti ri KOhA5 last sumti ru KOhA5 earlier sumti ta KOhA6 that there ti KOhA6 this here tu KOhA6 that yonder ke'a KOhA7 relativized it ma KOhA7 sumti ? zi'o KOhA7 nonexistent it zo'e KOhA7 unspecif it zu'i KOhA7 typical it ce'u KOhA8 lambda la LA that named la'i LA the set of named lai LA the mass of named la'e LAhE the referent of lu'a LAhE the individuals of lu'e LAhE the symbol for lu'i LAhE the set composed of lu'o LAhE the mass composed of tu'a LAhE the bridi implied by vu'i LAhE the sequence of le LE the described le'e LE the stereotypical le'i LE the set described lei LE the mass described lo LE the really is lo'e LE the typical lo'i LE the set really is loi LE the mass really is le'u LEhU end error quote li LI the number me'o LI the mex lo'u LOhU error quote lu LU quote mai MAI sentence ordinal mo'o MAI section ordinal me ME sumti to selbri mo'e MOhE sumti to operand je'a NAhE scalar affirmer na'e NAhE scalar contrary no'e NAhE scalar midpoint not to'e NAhE polar opposite ni'o NIhO new topic no'i NIhO old topic noi NOI incidental clause poi NOI restrictive clause voi NOI descriptive clause bi PA1 8 ci PA1 3 mu PA1 5 no PA1 0 pa PA1 1 re PA1 2 so PA1 9 vo PA1 4 xa PA1 6 ze PA1 7 dau PA2 hex digit A fei PA2 hex digit B gai PA2 hex digit C jau PA2 hex digit D rei PA2 hex digit E vai PA2 hex digit F ce'i PA3 percent fi'u PA3 fraction slash ki'o PA3 number comma ma'u PA3 positive number me'i PA3 less than ni'u PA3 negative number pi PA3 decimal point pi'e PA3 digit separator ra'e PA3 repeating decimal za'u PA3 greater than da'a PA4 all except du'e PA4 too many ji'i PA4 approximately mo'a PA4 too few rau PA4 enough ro PA4 each so'a PA4 almost all so'e PA4 most so'i PA4 many so'o PA4 several so'u PA4 few su'e PA4 at most su'o PA4 at least ci'i PA5 infinity ka'o PA5 imaginary i no'o PA5 typical value pai PA5 pi te'o PA5 exponential e tu'o PA5 null operand xo PA5 number ? ra'o RAhO pro-assign update sa SA erase utterance se SE 2nd conversion te SE 3rd conversion ve SE 4th conversion xe SE 5th conversion sei SEI discursive bridi si SI erase word su SU erase discourse to TO start parenthesis tu'e TUhE start text scope tu'u TUhU end text scope zo ZO 1-word quote zo'u ZOhU end prenex la'o ZOI the non-Lojban named zoi ZOI non-Lojban quote --And.