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More Sounds

I'm kidding around with the thought of adding considerably more sounds to
Ceqli by using the Spanish alphabet.   Give me your reactions on this:

Ten vowels:

a  as in fAt
á  as in fAther  (accented vowels can also be represented as double vowels
in ASCII "aa" in this case)
e   as in bUg
é  as in  bEd
i  as in   bIt
í  as in  bEEt
o  as in  bOUGHt
ó  as in bOAt
u  as in  fOOt
ú  as in  fOOd

When adjacent to another vowel, "i" makes the Y sound /j/, and "u" makes the
W sound /w/.


b as in Boy
c as in SHoe (sorry!)
d as in Dog
f as in Free
g as in Go
h as in Hat
j as in Joe
k as in King
p as in Pig
q as in CHew
s as in See
t as in Too
v as in Victory
w as in THin
x as in  meaSure
y as in  THen
z as in  Zoo


l as in Love
m as in My
n as in No
ñ as in haNG  (may also be represented as "nn")
r as in Rose

That brings it up to 32 sounds, 34 if you count the semivowel values of 'i'
and 'u'.   And it seems to me that, interestingly, it's adequate to
transcribe any and all English words, tho I know English is officially
supposed to have 43 phonemes, right?

Now, in this system, we could have structure words limited to P(V/D), that
is, a plosive (including affricates Q and J) followed by a vowel or a
diphthong.  That would be 8 plosives times ten vowels = 80.  and the 4 usual
diphthongs, aai, eei, oi, and aau times 8 = 32, and the entering diphthongs
ia, iaa, ie, iee,  etc, and ua, uaa, ue, uee, etc. for a possible total of 8
x 20 or 160, making 272 structure words possible.  Plenty, right? Who knows
how many Loglan and Lojban have at the moment?

> Rex F. May (Baloo)
> Daily cartoon at: http://www.cnsnews.com/cartoon/baloo.asp
> Buy my book at: http://www.kiva.net/~jonabook/gdummy.htm
> Language site at: http://www.geocities.com/ceqli/Uploadexp.htm
>Discuss my auxiliary language at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/txeqli/