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Re: More Sounds

> I'm kidding around with the thought of adding considerably more 
sounds to
> Ceqli by using the Spanish alphabet.   Give me your reactions on 
> Ten vowels:
> a  as in fAt
> á  as in fAther  (accented vowels can also be represented as
> in ASCII "aa" in this case)
> e   as in bUg
> é  as in  bEd
> i  as in   bIt
> í  as in  bEEt
> o  as in  bOUGHt
> ó  as in bOAt
> u  as in  fOOt
> ú  as in  fOOd

And what's the accent supposed to represent there?
I mean, according to what I've been taught about the
English vowels and checked with most English-speakers,
the accent would be representing there a difference in
length, openness and tenseness only in the case of "i"
and "u" (i /I/ - í /i:/, u /U/ - ú /u:/), while in the
case of "a" it would involve also an opposition of
front/back (a /ae/ - á /A:/) and the oppositions between
e/é and o/ó would have nothing to do with neither of the
former: e/é would represent the opposition: schwa /@/ vs.
short E /e/, and o/ó the opposition: long open O /O:/ vs.
diphthong from schwa to short open U /@U/. Does that make
any sense?

> When adjacent to another vowel, "i" makes the Y sound /j/, and "u" 
makes the
> W sound /w/.

Do you mean that there would be no graphic distinction
between full vowels i and u and their glides?

> Consonants:
> b as in Boy
> c as in SHoe (sorry!)
> d as in Dog
> f as in Free
> g as in Go
> h as in Hat
> j as in Joe
> k as in King
> p as in Pig
> q as in CHew
> s as in See
> t as in Too
> v as in Victory
> z as in  Zoo

> x as in  meaSure

Well, at last my proposal has been considered.

> w as in  THin
> y as in  THen

Aaarghhh...!!! Wouldn't it be MUCH BETTER just to
introduce the letters eth and thorn?

> Weaks:
> l as in Love
> r as in Rose
> m as in My
> n as in No

> ñ as in haNG  (may also be represented as "nn")

Aaarghhh...!!! again. To me, Spanish letter eñe
represents and will always represent the PALATAL
nasal, not the eng. Why not just introducing letter
eng instead of letter eñe?

> That brings it up to 32 sounds, 34 if you count the semivowel 
values of 'i'
> and 'u'.   And it seems to me that, interestingly, it's adequate to
> transcribe any and all English words, tho I know English is 
> supposed to have 43 phonemes, right?

Yes, but that's because e.g. you treat some of English
diphthongs as single phonemes ("ó" for bOAt), as they
actually are, while others as combinations of phonemes
("ai" for rIGHt).

And, on the other hand, Ceqli (or Txeqli or Qeñli, I'm
not sure), would thus have little problem representing
the sounds of English. O.K. But isn't Ceqli supposed
to be a merging of English AND CHINESE? What about all
those sound oppositions (b/p, q/ch/, sh/r...) that
are essential for transcribing adequately any and all
Chinese words?

Best regards,