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Re: [txeqli] Re: Glosa fu/du/pa (was: Aspect)

On Thu, Apr 04, 2002 at 09:29:33AM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> And if we do that, why not go ahead and reserve CV(V) for grammar words that
> do _not_ behave that way?  I say not because it's just too darn arbitrary.
> The number of grammar words should be small enough to memorize.

For some reason I missed this paragraph entirely. I think this is what
you should do.

If you end up using this system, you'll have to put more words than you
expect into the non-verb category. The numbers, for example. (I know
you mentioned that you disliked that Loglan and Lojban do this.) So
there should be some clear way to tell the difference without

Rob Speer