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Re: [txeqli] Alphabet

Rob Speer wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 03, 2002 at 02:40:10PM -0700, Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> > That's sort of true, which is why I've made the 'the' words all in the form
> > tV(V), as an assistance.
> But there's other grammatical words like 'be' and 'sa'.
> > 'pe xi, ' BTW, would be a strange combination.  Normally, as Mike would
> > point out, it would be 'xi pe,' or 'xisa pe.'  So why does this not
> > invalidate 'pexi,' etc.
> Oh. I got the impression that 'pe xi' and 'pexi' would be different ways
> to spell the same thing. Otherwise, how would you tell the difference
> when spoken? 'sa' should be necessary to prevent the morphemes from
> forming a compound.
> I suppose there would be no problem with stress if you're not allowed to
> write 'blu faul' in the first place; you'd have to write either 'blusa
> faul' or 'blufaul'.

Can we tack "sa" onto an adjective "xxx" to mean "a/some xxx
one/ones"? For example, "blusa" to mean "a blue one/some blue ones" or
"zosa" to mean "a male/some males". I'm thinking of something like:

Go ten tri kan, han byelsa kai du kalasa.

Mike Wright
"When they wired us humans up, they really should have
 labeled the wires--don't you think?" -- Ed