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Re: [txeqli] Alphabet

Rex May - Baloo wrote:
> on 3/3/02 3:08 PM, Mike Wright at darwin@hidden.email wrote:
> > But the reason these remain unpalatable to me is that "blufaul" means
> > "bluebird", and has the modifier preceding the head, as specified, but
> > "pamzo" means "parentmale", "pexi" means "personfemale", and "frazo"
> > means "siblingmale". They are all backwards. Why do only sex morphemes
> > follow the head?
> >
> > blue bird     blu faul
> > female bird   faul xi
> >
> > Or, is it only in compounds?
> >
> > white dog     byel kan
> > female dog    xi kan
> > bitch         kanxi
> >
> > Sorry, but it still doesn't make sense to me. It seems very early in
> > the game to be introducing irregularities into the morphology. That
> > should be saved for the second generation of native speakers.
> You have just about broken my resistance down.

Did I ever mention that I spent a year in an interrogation unit? We
were trained to do just that. :-)

> I think my insistence on
> pexi, pezo, is nothing more than Occident-centrism.  Assuming my
> capitulation, would there be any better -forms- for either zo or xi to take
> in a prefix position than their current ones?

They both seem fine to me. However, wasn't it Ray who said (speaking
of "jo" for "coffee") that it might be a good idea to save CV words
for grammatical particles? That could be a reason to go for something longer.

By the way, sometimes when Mandarin won't fit the morphology, a
Sino-Japanese version of the "same" morpheme might. For example
Mandarin <nan2>, "male", wouldn't work, but Sino-Japanese <dan> would.
(Native Japanese <otoko> doesn't work, either.)

Mike Wright
"When they wired us humans up, they really should have
 labeled the wires--don't you think?" -- Ed