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embedded phrases and clauses

Is this what you meant?  It's the end of the document (and has been for a long time).

 Parsing Rule:

   When one constituent is embedded inside another, the parser will
   not exit the current level of embedding until all syntactically
   acceptable constituents have been parsed; i.e., it will leave
   its current level only when it encounters a constituent that
   violates the syntax for the current level.  The semantics of the
   construction will never be a consideration.  For example, in a
   sentence such as "verb1 noun verb2 noun oblique1 oblique2" where
   verb2 takes a single core argument, both oblique arguments are
   arguments of verb2.  Since there will be cases in which it is
   necessary to prematurely terminate the argument structure of an
   embedded verb, we will need a particle to perform this function.
   In the interlingua, we will use "jojope" for this purpose, and
   refer to it as a valency terminator.  For example, in
   "verb1 noun verb2 noun oblique1 jojope oblique2", "oblique1" is
   an argument of "verb2" while "oblique2" is an argument of

   Similarly, if there are more core arguments present than are
   allowed by the argument structure of the verb, then parsing at
   that level will stop and the additional arguments will be
   available at the higher level.  For example, in "verb1 verb2
   noun1 adverb1 noun2", if "verb2" is P-d, then both "noun1" and
   "adverb1" are arguments of "verb2", while "noun2" must be an
   argument of "verb1".  Again, use of the valency terminator
   "jojope" can override the default parse.