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--- In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...> wrote: > On Dec 4, 2006, at 8:14 PM, paul_bennett5 wrote: > > I have some early, sketchy notes on both languages that I can post > > here if needed by any non CONLANG-L members. > > Sure, go ahead and post them! Cool. The 10-cent tour... Levantine lang: /? b v g G d D h w z x t j k l m n N s p q r S s T f X i e E a O u/ Takes PIE ablaut "TO THE MAX!", resulting in a hybrid PIE/ inflectional plus Semitic/Shuffle-based morhpology. I only have the vaguest notions how this will work in practice. I think shuffling (is there a Semitologist's technical term for this?) will derive verbs and nouns from roots, which will be inflected according to a PIE pattern. Turkic/Uralic/Slavic lang: /a Q b d e @ f g G h i\ i k l K m n N o 2 p 4 4` r\ s t u y w x j S ?/ Vowel harmony: /i y e 2 a/ vs /y u 2 o Q/ vs /e 2 o a Q/, plus i\ and @ with suitable allophones as neutral vowels. I intend to build a fiendishly difficult coordination prefix system. The etymological roots of the system will simply be the fixed use of S-pronoun O-pronoun Verb as a single unit in the (post-)PIE stage, complicated by split-S, and by allowing non-core argument pronouns (in non-core cases) to be placed in the complex as a way of doing promotion, demotion, dropping, etc. Then the ravages of time will erode, mutate, and disguise (and then faux-regularize) this simple system until it becomes moderately arcane. Agglutinative NPs, and mostly inflectional VPs. Both phonologies are subject to vast amounts of change as ideas progress. I'm already thinking /G/ might be /X/ instead in the Turkoid lang. Paul