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Fw: Ajami

----- Original Message (extract) -----
From: Benct Philip Jonsson
To: Isaac Penzev
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: Ajami

> Isaac Penzev wrote:
> >>>I can send you a couple of non-finished web pages to make the first
> >>>impression. You have Arabic/Persian font on your comp, haven't you?
> >>
> >>Sure.  I would be honored, although it would be
> >>another excuse to neglect serious studies! ;)
> > Anyway, I send you a couple of my working notes in form of a web pages.
> > are surely far from completion, but just to feel the Sprachgeist...
> It's great.  I was a bit confused by _bo_ and _bas_ first, but you
> should definitely keep it that way!
> Why do Arabic words ending in -s (and -n -l -r I assume)
> receive a pleonastic -o?  One would expect them not to.
> The pages look great, only I would add transcriptions of
> the Ajami/Arabic terms.
> As for the spelling of كيَرِه‎ kiere, I'd expect |kyiri|
> rather than |kyari|, although that's probably a product
> of me being used to Italian where _chiare_ is an actual
> word, and were _ia_ and _ie_ diphthongs are distinct,
> or would _ia_ be spelled ya+alif?
> >>>As for telling more, just ask questions.
> What do the perfect forms look like?
> It's |eskribiw| that gets me wondering.
> Is it _escribío_ in Spanish?
> It [th e project] looks good.