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Re: [westasianconlangs] Aramaic Help

On Jun 2, 2004, at 12:02 AM, Eamon wrote:
Hi everyone, I'm looking to coin two words from Aramaic (any kind
will do) for use in my still-as-of-yet-unnamed-Semitic-conlang; the
thing is, I know much more about Arabic grammar (and a little bit of
Hebrew) than I do about Aramaic.
I'm looking to derive a word form the Aramaic root $-l-m (shin-lamed-
mem) that would mean "making peace" and a word that would mean "one
who makes peace."  I guess these would be formed from Form III in
Arabic and Hiphil in Hebrew??? but I know nothing of Aramaic word

Babylonian Talmudic Aramaic:
Looks like the |aph`eil|/|aph`il| form...
'one who makes peace' would probably be /maSli:m/ or /maSlem/
'to make peace' looks like it would be something like /l@?aSlomej/

However, the dictionaries seem to see "handing over" or "complete, finish" as the primary meanings of the verbal root.

-Stephen (Steg)
 "the sun will stand still between ‘aza and rafiahh
  the moon will glow white on the peak of hhermon
  flowers in the gunbarrel and girls on the towers
  multitudes of soldiers to the city will come home"
     ~ from 'perahhim baqaneh' by subliminal