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Re: [westasianconlangs] Re: Sound changes in the Arabic dialects

"Chad: [k] or [x]
Palestine: [k] in most dialects, [tS] in others
Cyprus: [k]
Malta: [k], but [g] in some environments that I'm not quite clear on
at the moment"
Wow! You really know your stuff.

"The Egyptian pronunciation, while not the "Standard," is very well
understood around the Arabic world, thanks to Egpytian film, music
and TV; it might be seen as a kind of middle ground and I've heard
it recommended for students.  Being in France, most of my Arabic
speaking friends come from North Africa and I've tended to adopt
certain North African features when I *attempt* to pronounce Arabic
(for example, I love being able to replace [q] with [g] with vowel
backing), but I absolutely adore Maltese.  A mixed Moroccan-Maltese-
East Aramaic phonology is the basis of the phonology for one of my
Semitic conlang projects."

I remember Mustarabi...
