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Re: [westasianconlangs] Re: Sound changes in the Arabic dialects

Nathaniel Ament-Stone scripsit:

> Also, generally what would you consider more "conservative" dialects
> of Arabic versus more "inventive" ones, the way you would say Cantonese
> is more conservative than Wu?

Such claims are dangerous.  Cantonese may be more conservative in its
finals (which remain Tang-ish) but it has heavily simplified its initials.
After all, Wu keeps the old voiced-aspirated / voiceless-aspirated /
voiceless-unaspirated distinction.

Barry gules and argent of seven and six,        John Cowan
on a canton azure fifty molets of the second.   jcowan@hidden.email
        --blazoning the U.S. flag               http://www.ccil.org/~cowan