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Emegali Vocalic Scheme and Rare Verb Forms

Of late, I have been reading about Afroasiatic languages and 
thinking about Emegali, using more effectively the rare Semitic 
verb forms (reduplicated stems, quadriliterals). Should I also 
use the Sumerian case system to supply thrid radicals, or 
should I simply use the aformenetioned verb forms to create the 
effect of a Semitic, yet quite Semitic language?

A simple vocalic development scheme
Step 1
ay > e:
aw > o:
iy > i:
iw > i\:
uy > i\:
uw > u:
Step 2
unstressed long syllables become short
NyS 'be beautiful
[i"NajjiS] > [i"Ne:jiS]
dmw "filial obeisance"
[i"dammiw] > [i"dammi\:] > [i"dammi\:]