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Re: [westasianconlangs] Raamaniyaan Grand Master Plan

At 12:49 21.3.2004, Jan van Steenbergen wrote:
> --- Melroch 'Aestan skrzypszy:
>> Me too!  :)  I always end up doing this kind of thing when I 
>> really ought to do other things, though...
>Hehe. Shouldn't we always rather be doing other things?

Yeah, but I should be writing a term paper and the clock is
ticking.  You too will be a student again soon...

>> >Can Raamaniyaan exist in the same universe as Persian? 
>> Surely.  In fact it should!  I think of it as a Romance-Persian
>> pidgin which was U-turn relexified. [...]
>Interesting. I hadn't heard of the phenomenon. But it makes things quite a lot
>easier, for sure!

Yeah, the big cheat highway for the mixed aposteriori conlanger! :)

>> Raamaniyaan and Persian actually don't have the *exact* same 
>> phonological development.  
>Of course, but that's normal: the two proto-languages were different enough, I
>suppose. Neither did Brithenig undergo exactly the same phonological
>development as Welsh, or Wenedyk as Polish.

No, but I daresay R. is more aberrant than say Slvanjec, if only because
contact is fairly late in the development of Persian, and what happens is
essentially a re-mapping of Vulgar Latin phones to Persian phonology.

Also I'm playing around with the Romance substrate -- it will be militarily
rather than urbanly oriented, as evidenced by e.g. the meaning of _paghan_
'stranger' (< 'civilian' < 'village dweller').  Also there will be a Greek
adstrate as well as Persian and Arabic superstrates.

>> >Next question (related to question 1): where do you imagine Raamaniyaan is
>> >spoken exactly? Persia would be logical, but you also mentioned Russia as a
>> >possibility.
>> Somewhere in a backwater within the Persian sphere.  I used to think 
>> of the Soviet side of the Irano-Soviet border, and thus somewhere in 
>> Turkmenistan. 
>It lies open for you! As I said, I haven't done anything with Turkestan than
>drawn a map, made a short description for the Wiki and produced a News item.
>Mind you, the Persian sphere is quite large *there*, even more so than *here*.
>In Central Asia, we have Tadzhikistan, and at the western side of the Caspian
>sea there are Ossetia, Kurdistan and Scythia.

I count a good deal of Central Asia to the Persian cultural sphere 
even *here*.

>> > I think it has more or less been established that Persia speaks
>> > Farsi, although I'm not sure how firmly;
>> Very firmly I hope!  An IB without Persian would have too 
>> grave repercussions on both Turkic and Indic cultural and
>> linguistic history!
>Good, that makes it a lot easier. Actually, what I did after entering IB
>(substituting Polish with Wenedyk) was possible only because the number of
>participants was still very limited and the amount of work done on the region
>nothing but a short description. Far-reaching changes like this become harder
>and harder to implement, especially when it comes to huge countries like Persia
>(or the RTC).
>> Both would be a possibility, except that Azerbaijan is too close to
>> Roman territory: the proto-speakers would simply have re-defected!
>Pity... the Caucasus is a fascinating region IMO. I would love to "play" a bit
>more with Georgia. Well, perhaps later...

The Persians would NEVER have employed a Roman legion so close to
their borders with Rome.  I don't think the R. could end up there 
even with allowance for later wanderings.

>> That, or even Khazakh or Uzbek territory would be a possibility.
>> I would not want an area which was Turkicized too early, though!
>You would still end up in Turkestan, then. Or perhaps in the Moghul National
>Realm (created and then abandoned by Rodlox, if I understood him correctly). I
>should add that the whole region is rather dormant. Unless that's what you
>want, the Caucasian region might be more interesting from the perspective that
>I expect some activity there rather than in Central Asia.
>Or, if you should go for Qazaqstan, Russian rule would also be a possibility.
>As you probably know, Qazaqstan is divided in two parts: the northern half
>which is a republic within the Russian Federation, the southern half is part of
>Whatever your choice will be, I'm ready to support it.

Actually I think a location within properly Persian-speaking
lands will be better, or I'll have to add a huge Turkic
adstrate as well.  If R. ends up in IB I'll probably drop
the idea of Cyrillic and Latin writing systems anyway.

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/BP 8^)
B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
               A h-ammen ledin i phith!                \ \
    __  ____ ____    _____________ ____ __   __ __     / /
    \ \/___ \\__ \  /___  _____/\ \\__ \\ \  \ \\ \   / /
    / /   / /  /  \    / /Melroch\ \_/ // /  / // /  / /
   / /___/ /_ / /\ \  / /'Aestan ~\_  // /__/ // /__/ /
  /_________//_/  \_\/ /Eowine __  / / \___/\_\\___/\_\
Gwaedhvenn Angeliniel\ \______/ /a/ /_h-adar Merthol naun
|| Lenda lenda pellalenda pellatellenda kuivie aiya! ||
"A coincidence, as we say in Middle-Earth" (JRR Tolkien)