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Re: [westasianconlangs] Re: Ajami consonantism

Melroch 'Aestan eskriviw:

> At 18:46 8.3.2004, Isaac Penzev wrote:
> >Last week I installed a whole bunch (41!) of
> >nice Farsi Unicode fonts, so I'll stick to them.
> Where?

http://www.bornaray.com/ and look for Parsa fonts
or go directly to EN dowloading page

> ><<Does Adjami use the Maghribi version of the Arabic
> >script?>>
> >
> >I don't know what is "the M. version".
> The hand used in North Africa.
> Rounded forms, quite beautiful.
> I'll send you a scan.

No thanx. I've looked at the samples by the links you'd given. Nice
thing. Less readable than Naskh, anyway. I think Ajamis indeed would
have use it in earlier days. I have no such font available at my
comp now for producing contemporary stuff.

Btw, if you want to send smth really big, it's better to do it
mailing to my office address isaac#kcu.org.ua (replace # with @),
since at home I'm sitting at the dial-up too :((

-- Yitzik