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Having to go Nomail

Heya all,
I have to temporarily leave all these wonderful conlangy listservs because if all goes according to plan very soon i will be on the other side of the Atlantic getting ready for graduate school in Israel.  So i don't know what kind of internet access i'll be able to get or when i'll be able to get it.  But i'll be back as soon as i can.
Until then, have fun, don't have flamewars :-) , and you can still email me if you want at this address, draqonfayir [remember it's a Q not a G] at juno dot com.
-Stephen (Steg)
 "You will begin to touch heaven, Jonathan, in the moment
  that you touch perfect speed.  And that isn't flying a thousand
  miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light.
  Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn't have
  limits.  Perfect speed, my son, is being there."
                    ~ _jonathan livingston seagull_