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Re: [westasianconlangs] TECH: Unicode and Macs

The email with the Devanagari character is an email on the Conlang list from early July 29th, by Joe, subject'd "a sketchy phonology of sabyuka".
-Stephen (Steg)
 "do it under some foliage"
 (the answer to all of life's problems and complications)
     ~ the huck finn of the lower east side
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 04:33:57 EDT ThatBlueCat@hidden.email writes:
I use a Mac, and it's running OS X 10.2.  I find them to be infinitely superior to PC's, and always have.  Should you get a Mac, I can get you some programs, among which are:

1.) A font creation program (this can fix any keyboard layout problems you're having).
2.) A program to create syntactic trees (as well as design your own grammar).
3.) Some interesting random word generating programs done with File Maker Pro.
4.) Fonts galore!

Also, if you're having trouble using the "normal" special characters, you can just use the keycaps program.  I'm actually not sure where to find eth etc., though--if I needed to use it, I'd just create a different font.

I can see pretty much what anyone sends in any e-mail without any problems, though I've never seen any unicode Chinese/Cyrillic/Devanagari characters (can you point out the e-mail with the Devanagari character to me?).  The "problem" with eth is that it's really, really small.  Don't know why that is...

I personally have never had any complaints.  That could be because I'm using it wrong, but if so, I don't want to learn how to use it right.  ;)


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