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Gedeh Grammar

          Gedeh Grammar

 Pronunciation and Orthography
 Basic Stems
 Extended Stems
  Aspects and Voices
 Examples of Genders
 Examples of Aspects and Voices
  Negative Pronouns
  Interrogative and Relative Pronouns
  Demonstrative Pronouns
  Personal Pronouns
  Possessive Pronouns
   Enclitic Possessive Pronouns
   Standalone Possessive Pronouns
  Passive Perfect
  Passive Imperfect
 Incorporated Pronouns
 Adjectives (Enclitic)



 Gedeh is a Semitic language.
 It is a member of the `Mek language group,
so it received its shared characteristics:
- the agglutinative type
- the restriction that "e" appears only in roots
  and the other vowels only in grammatical affixes.
- at least 4 genders:
  common, masculine, feminine, inanimate


 gc '  b  g  d  h  w  z  x  tc
 dc j  k  l  m  n  s  6  p  sc
 zc q  r  sy t  u  a  i  o  e

 The order of the letters
was originally the same as in the Hebrew alphabet.
Later three additional letters were inserted,
but in the standard language
they are used only as numbers.

Pronunciation and Orthography:

   0 Gc gc [G\]
   1 9  '  [?]   elpum   "bull"
   2 B  b  [b]   bejtum  "house"
   3 G  g  [g]   gemlum  "camel"
   4 D  d  [d]   deltum  "door"
   5 H  h  [h]   he''um
   6 W  w  [w]   wewwum  "hook"
   7 Z  z  [z]   zejnum  "weapon"
   8 X  x  [X\]  xejtum
   9 Tc tc [t_>] tcejtum
  00 Dc dc [d_>]
  10 J  j  [j]   jewdum  "hand"
  20 K  k  [k]   keppum  "palm"
  30 L  l  [l]   lemdum  "stick"
  40 M  m  [m]   mejmum  "water"
  50 N  n  [n]   newnum  "big fish"
  60 S  s  [s]   semkum  "fish"
  70 8  6  [?\]  6ejnum  "eye"
  80 P  p  [p]   pe''um  "mouth"
  90 Sc sc [s_>] scedjum
 000 Zc zc [z_>]
 100 Q  q  [q]   qewpum  "ape"
 200 R  r  [r]   re'syum "head"
 300 Sy sy [S]   syejnum "tooth"
 400 T  t  [t]   tewwum  "mark"
 500 U  u  [u]
 600 A  a  [a]
 700 I  i  [i]
 800 O  o  [o]
 900 E  e  [e]

Basic Stems:

 pe6l- substantive stem
 pe6el imperfective stem
 -p6el perfective stem

Extended Stems:


  _pe6l-_ substantive stem (s.)
  _pe6lut_ masculine stem (m.)
  _pe6lat_ feminine stem (f.)
  _pe6lot_ inanimate stem (si.)
  _pe6lutot_ masculine inanimate stem (mi.)
  _pe6latot_ feminine inanimate stem (fi.)
  _pe6lit_ diminutive stem (dim.)
  _pe6lutit_ masculine diminutive stem (m.dim.)
  _pe6latit_ feminine diminutive stem (f.dim.)
  _pe6lotit_ inanimate diminutive stem (si.dim.)

 Aspects and voices:

  _(mu)pe6el_ active imperfective stem
  _mape6el_ passive imperfective stem
  _(mu)p6el_ active perfective stem
  _map6el_ passive perfective stem

Examples of Genders:

 _sewsum_ "horse"
 _sewsutum_ "stallion"
 _sewsatum_ "mare"
 _sewsitum_ "foal"
 _sewsutitum_ "colt"
 _sewsatitum_ "filly"
 _sewsotum_ "vaulting-horse"
 _sewsotitum_ "small vaulting-horse"

Examples of Aspects and Voices:

 _ketbum_ "writer"
 _kuketeb_ "thou art writing"
 _kukteb_ "thou hast written"
 _h(ot)umaketeb_ "it is written"
 _h(ot)umakteb_ "it has been written"
 _š(ut)u(mu)keteb_ "he who is writing"
 _šatu(mu)kteb_ "she who have written"
 _š(ot)umaketeb_ "it which is written"
 _š(ot)umakteb_ "it which has been written"


 nom. -um
 acc. -am
 gen. -im
 dat. -om
 loc. -iš
 ter. -oš


 Negative Pronouns:

  _lum_   "nobody"
  _lotum_ "nothing"

 Interrogative and Relative Pronouns:

  _mum_   "who"
  _motum_ "what"

 Demonstrative Pronouns:

  _zum_, _dum_  "this"
  _hum_  "that"; "the" (def. article); "he/she/it" (3rd p.)
  _syum_ "the one which ..." (antecedent)

  _zinum_, _dinum_  "these"
  _hinum_  "those"; "the" (def. article); "they" (3rd p.)
  _syinum_ "the ones which ..." (antecedent)

 Personal Pronouns:

   1.    _jum_   "I"
   2.    _kum_   "thou"
   3.m.  _hutum_ "he"
   3.f.  _hatum_ "she"
   3.si. _hotum_ "it"

   1.du. _janum_ "we two"
   2.du. _kanum_ "you two"
   3.du. _hanum_ "they two"

   1.pl. _jinum- "we"
   2.pl. _kinum_ "you"
   3.pl. _hinum_ "they"

 Possessive Pronouns:

  Enclitic Possessive Pronouns:

  1.    _-uj(im)_ "my"
  2.    _-uk(im)_ "thy"
  3.m.  _-uhut(im)_ "his"
  3.f.  _-uhat(im)_ "her"
  3.si. _-uhot(im)_ "its"

  1.pl. _-ujin(im)_ "our"
  2.pl. _-ukin(im)_ "your"
  3.pl. _-uhin(im)_ "their"

  Standalone Possessive Pronouns:

  1.    _syuj(im)_   "mine"
  2.    _syuk(im)_   "thine"
  3.m.  _syuhut(im)_ "his"
  3.f.  _syuhat(im)_ "her"
  3.si. _syuhot(im)_ "its"

  1.pl. _syujin(im)_ "our"
  2.pl. _syukin(im)_ "your"
  3.pl. _syuhin(im)_ "their"


 1.    _ju-_
 2.    _ku-_
 3.m.  _hutu-_
 3.f.  _hatu-_
 3.si. _hotu-_
 1.pl. _jinu-_
 2.pl. _kinu-_
 3.pl. _hinu-_


  imp.  -!     imperative
  abst. -um    abstract verbal substantive
  part. -iš    participle
  adj.  šu--iš verbal adjective
  sup.  -oš    supine


  1.    _juketeb_   "I am writing"
  2.    _kuketeb_   "thou art writing"
  3.m.  _hutuketeb_ "he is writing"
  3.f.  _hatuketeb_ "she is writing"
  3.si. _hotuketeb_ "it is writing"
  1.pl. _jinuketeb_ "we are writing"
  2.pl. _kinuketeb_ "you are writing"
  3.pl. _hinuketeb_ "they are writing"
  imp.  _keteb!_    "be writing!"
  abst. _ketebum_   "writing"
  part. _ketebiš_   "(a-)writing"
  adj.  _šuketebiš_ "(a-)writing"
  sup.  _keteboš_   "to write"


  1.    _jukteb_   "I have written"
  2.    _kukteb_   "thou hast written"
  3.m.  _hutukteb_ "he has written"
  3.f.  _hatukteb_ "she has written"
  3.si. _hotukteb_ "it has written"
  1.pl. _jinukteb_ "we have written"
  2.pl. _kinukteb_ "you have written"
  3.pl. _hinukteb_ "they have written"
  imp.  _mukteb!_  "have written!"
  abst. _muktebum_ "having written"
  part. _muktebiš_ "(a-)having written"
  adj.  _šuktebiš_ "(a-)having written"
  sup.  _mukteboš_ "to have written"

 Passive Imperfect:

  1.    _jumaketeb_   "I am written"
  2.    _kumaketeb_   "thou are written"
  3.m.  _humatuketeb_ "he is written"
  3.f.  _hamatuketeb_ "she is written"
  3.si. _hotumaketeb_ "it is written"
  1.pl. _jinumaketeb_ "we are written"
  2.pl. _kinumaketeb_ "you are written"
  3.pl. _hinumaketeb_ "they are written"
  imp.  _maketeb!_    "be written!"
  abst. _maketebum_   "being written"
  part. _maketebiš_   "(a-)being written"
  adj.  _sumaketebiš_ "(a-)being written"
  sup.  _maketeboš_   "to be written"

 Passive Perfect:

  1.    _jumakteb_   "I have been written"
  2.    _kumakteb_   "thou hast been written"
  3.m.  _hutumakteb_ "he has been written"
  3.f.  _hatumakteb_ "she has been written"
  3.si. _hotumakteb_ "it has been written"
  1.pl. _jinumakteb_ "we have been written"
  2.pl. _kinumakteb_ "you have been written"
  3.pl. _hinumakteb_ "they have been written"
  imp.  _makteb_     "have been written!"
  abst. _maktebum_   "having been written"
  part. _maktebiš_   "(a-)having been written"
  adj.  _šumaktebiš_ "(a-)having been written"
  sup.  _makteboš_   "to have been written"

Incorporated pronouns:

 _juhotazikinoketeb_ "I am writing it here to you"

Adjectives (Enclitic):

 _bejtukber_ "great house"
 _kelbulmen_ "evil dog"
 _sewsumwet_ "dead horse"

