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--- In westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com, "Isaac A. Penzev" <isaacp@u...> wrote: > Salaam! > > habarakhe scripsit: > > <<Which transcription are you using? I thought a Kirschenbaum lateral- > S was the same as /K/. Could you describe /K/ in phonetic terms?>> > > Within last year X-SAMPA became dominant and de facto standard "asciification" in the CONLANG-L and its workshops. I don't know Kirschenbaum's. I have reference tables, but didn't ever considered using them; I lacked this need. So I read your |s<lat>| just as reference to traditional Semitologic s-acute without thinking what real sound it could be. AFAIK, scholars still dispute on precise value of this symbol. > > In X-SAMPA, /K/ renders l-loop: voiceless alveolar lateral fricative. > > Yitzik Then it is /K/ . In the spirit of Emegali p~b, t~d, k~g, s~z, even kh~gh (X-R) etc., I'm thinking of adding the alternation of /K/ ~ /K\/ (ś~ź). New orthography: /p/ [p] /b/ [b] /t/ [t\] /d/ [d\] /k/ [k] /g/ [g] /m/ [m] /n/ [n] /ń/ [N] /s/ [s] /z/ [z] /h/ [X] /ġ/ [R] /ś/ [K] /ź/ [K\] /r/ [r\] /y/ [j] /l/ [l\] /a/ [a] /â/ [a:] /i/ [i] /î/ [i:] /u/ [u] /û/ [u:] /ê/ [e:] /ô/ [o:] A Moral Story (see what you can make of it ? dashed divisions indicate grammatical segments): imtar nappadaś nammatar-a-ra. A scribe apprenticed an apprentice. itrar nammatar nappadaś nikkadar-a-ra-k. The apprentice entered the house of the scribe. itrurâ namudammanâ-naya-k yadam-a-naya-k. The his (the scribe's) beautiful daughters entered (the house). idtagudâ-zinara <<itrur nammatar nikkadar-a-maya-r. nitarrir-a-nene nikkadrâni-maya>> They said to themselves: The apprentice has entered our house. Let us make him enter our `houses'. sakkil nammatar. The apprentice remained virtuous. idgudâ-nera nappadaś namudammanâ-k <<itrur nammatar-a-zua nikkadrâni- maya-r>>. The daughters of the scribe said to him: Thine apprentice has entered our `houses'. ulabśinû nigidgudû-naya nappadaś-a-ra. His heart angered the the scribe. utakkid nappadaś tatak nammatar-a-ra tatak-a-ra <<tannud namudammanâ- ńua.>>. The angry scribe interrogated the trembling apprentice: thou hast lain together with my daughters. igzud-a-zu. He (the scribe) slew him (the apprentice). idgud-a-binara <<pêśâ namudammanâ-ńua-k>> He (the scribe) said to them (the daughters): my daughters are pregnant. igzud-a-bina. He (the scribe) slew them (the daughters).