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Re: [westasianconlangs] Technical advice needed

En réponse à "Isaac A. Penzev" <isaacp@hidden.email>:

> I've got no software for this purpose.


To download WEFT3 free of charge. Of course, this technology works only with 
IE, but since it's the only browser that actively supports the font embedding 
technology, the limitation doesn't come from the software itself in this 
case :) .

> Surely, some pages may be entirely one gif file :-)
> But, guys, that's really MUCH work to do...

Of course, but do you want people under Linux to see your pages or not? 
The "download the font" idea works mainly for Windows and Mac. The Linux that I 
use at work for instance wouldn't allow me to it that way. It may be a lot of 
work to make graphics, but as I said it's the only way to make your pages 
available for everyone. Also, don't forget that about 50% of the people who 
come to your page don't want to have anything to do to view a webpage and won't 
bother downloading the fonts you propose.

As for making graphics, if you have a graphics program that makes screen 
captures, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle.



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