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Re: [westasianconlangs] Transliteration

sala;m , rafiyqus !

Steg wrote:

> Well, yours seems to work pretty well.

Ah, glad to hear it. Though I think I'll make some minor amendments.
So, here is my renewed version:

hamza -- 2
alef -- ;
initial alef with hamza -- ; (NOT 2;)
alef with maddah -- A
beh -- b
teh -- t
teh marbuta -- t:
theh -- T
jeem -- j
hah -- H
khah -- x
dal -- d
thal -- D
reh -- r
zain -- z
seen -- s
sheen -- S
sad -- s'
dad -- d'
tah -- t'
zah -- z'
ain -- 3 (decided to follow you!)
ghain -- G
feh -- f
qaf -- q
kaf -- k
lam -- l
meem -- m
noon -- n
heh -- h
waw -- w
alef maksura -- Y
yeh -- y

fatha -- a
kasra -- i
damma -- u
shadda -- double letter
sukun -- no special sign
"raised" alef -- a!

Additional letters:
peh -- p
tcheh -- c
jeh -- Z
gaf -- g

I changed alef maksura from |e| to |Y|, because in those cases when
waw and yeh are used as signs for vowels /o/ and /e/ like in Urdu,
I'll transcribe them as |o| and |e| to make reading easier and avoid
clumsy romanization. So, "to eat", written kaf-waw-meem-yeh-reh, will
be transliterated as |komer| :)

The system is based mostly on classical sampa. To read, remember that
|a;|, |iy|, |uw| denote historically long vowels (which is important
for determining position of stress), and unstressed |u| and |i| are
read [o] and [e] respectively...

> I have my own suggestion, though:
> Letters:
> â, b, t, þ, j, H, x, d, ð, r, z, s, s, S, D, T, Z (or: Ð), ` (or:
3), G,
> f, q, k, l, m, n, h, w/û, y/î.

Nice. But certainly it's better to use smth ASCII-friendly.

> I.E.: ismî mûsà.  'anâ Tâlib fî aljâmi`ä.  darastu al`arabiyyä fii
> alsa`ä kull yawm.  lâ 'urîd 'an 'aðhab lilbaSrä.  al'îkûtûbiyûn
>  hal tafhamûn?  `âlam "'ill baþisad" yajî' hunâ 'ayDan.

Let me see if I remember smth from my Arabic lessons.
Does it mean:
<<My name is Musa. I'm a student at the University. I studied Arabic
presently for the whole day.
I don't think that I'll leave for Basra. Writers are mad (???) Do they
The world Ill Bethisad comes
here too.>>

> -Stephen (Steg)

P.S. It looks like I fell ill with flu. 15 degrees below zero do not
add health.
So, my apologies if I be silent for a couple of days. Yes, I have a
comp at home
(wherefrom I send this message now), but using it demands so much
while you have fever...