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terminative/pausative, resumptive modifier change

I have changed the terminative (pausative) and resumptive aspect modifiers from "da"/"zu" and "ko" to "fu" (exit) and "fru" (enter), respectively.  (Both "da" and "zu" were used for terminative (pausative), based on Latejami "bu" (zero, not).  I inadvertently missed some when I switched from one to the other.)

Here are the affected words:

yefrun present-resumptive disjunct.
ye'afrun past-resumptive disjunct.
ye'ofrun future-resumptive disjunct.
ye'ufrun tenseless-resumptive disjunct.
ye'ufrunzyab resume, continue (on).
ye'ufrunzyob resume, continue (on) with, cause to resume.

yefun present-terminative disjunct.
ye'afun past-terminative disjunct.
ye'ofun future-terminative disjunct.
ye'ufun tenseless-terminative disjunct.
ye'ufunyob suppress, repress, curb, check, arrest, restrain, keep in a halted state.
ye'ufunzyab stop, halt, come to a stop/halt.
ye'ufunzyib stop (oneself)
ye'ufunzyob stop, halt, interrupt, bring to a halt.
