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- From: Veoler <veoler@hidden.email>
- Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 12:49:47 +0200
- Subject: Latejami/Saweli
- To: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
Hi stevo, I've two and a half questions: How do you say "hi" or "hello" in Latejami/Saweli? Is the POS marker for conjunctions a productive derivational morpheme? Is is possible to derive a conjunction from a verb, or a verb from a conjunction? If so, what is its semantics? E.g. what does "tesa" mean? Or "kopye"? I find one example of derivation of conjunctions in his monograph: citesye versus citesangye. -- Veoler (You might answer to Conlang-L if you want)
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