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Z words
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:33:46 EDT
- Subject: Z words
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
zag of (genitive), apostrophe-s, that (relative conjunction), which, who, relative clause linker.
zaj [used to modify especially non-nouns with complex phrases]
zaz what [headless relative conjunction].
zanweb have, possess.
zanweg with, having, possessing.
zanwib keep, save, retain (possession of), reserve.
zanzweb get, receive, come into/by.
zanzwib obtain, accept, get, take, exact.
zanzwob give, bequeath.
zanzwobwa return to, give back, restore.
za'ag not of, not had by.
za'anweb lack, be without, not have.
za'anweg without, bereft of, deprived of.
za'anwob deprive.
za'anzweb lose, come to not have.
za'anzwob take away from, seize, appropriate, take possession of ... from.
zer and, plus.
zecor "comma" (in lists), list separator for parenthetical expressions.
zefler if and only if (Lojban .o)
zegar whether or not (Lojban .u)
zegrir than, as, compared with/to, comparative conjunction.
zegur but.
zejer or (else), either ... or (but not both) [exclusive 'or'].
zejror if, logical implication.
zeslir if, as long as, provided (that), in the event, on condition, if it should happen that, etc.
zeslinkar then [conditional].
zeter or, and/or.
zetrur if, in the possible world that….[Lojban].
zezor if, In the alternate world (not this one) that….
zezur unless, excepting.
zik any, some, an unspecified quantity or amount.
ziki multiple, plural, various.
zindas quantity (of), amount, number, how many/much.
zingak how many/much [interrogative adjective], what quantity of.
zinjad sometimes, at times, ever (in questions).
zinrep count, enumerate, quantify, tally.
zinwadaz quantity (of), amount, number, how many/much.
zinzop divide, separate, partition, split up, break up.
zibak all, every.
zibas everything, all things.
zibanjad always, all the time, constantly, invariably.
zibanjak constant, incessant, ceaseless, endless, perpetual, interminable.
zibacok final, last, highest in a sequence.
zibek many, much, numerous, lots of, a lot of, plenty of.
zibenjad often(times), frequently, a lot, again and again, commonly, many times.
zibecok near-to-last, later, latter, almost last, near the end, high in a sequence.
zibeplak most, a large fraction of, a majority of.
zibik several, some, a number of, a moderate quantity of.
zibinjad sometimes, at times, now and then, occasionally, a number of times.
zibicok medial, middle, midway, midmost, intermediate, halfway, midway in a sequence.
zibiplak about half.
zibok few [a few], little [quantity], a small amount or quantity, not too much, not too many.
zibonjad occasionally, on occasion, from time to time, once in a while, every so often, not too often, a few times.
zibocok early, near the beginning (of a sequence), early in a sequence.
ziboplak a small fraction of, a minority of.
zibuk a very small quantity of, hardly any, very few, very little, almost no, a tiny or minimal amount or quantity, etc.
zibus bit, iota, speck, smidgen, a tiny amount or quantity.
zibunjad rarely, seldom, hardly ever, almost never, infrequently.
zibucok initial, leading, first, lowest in a sequence, at the very beginning of a sequence.
zibuplak almost none of, a tiny fraction of.
zicok sequential, ranked, graded, in a row, in (a) sequence.
zid0k zero, no/none.
zid0njad never, zero times, not ... ever, not ... at all, on no occasion.
zid1d in unison, together, as a unit, as one.
zid1k one, single.
zid1ndas unity, unison, union, oneness.
zid1njad once, one time, on one occasion.
zid1nvop bind, keep or hold together as a unit.
zid1nwak specific, particular, individual, select, express, one specific or particular.
zid1nwap be one of.
zid1nzap unify, unite, combine, cause to become a single unit.
zid1nzip unify, unite, combine, cause to become a single unit.
zid1nzop unify, unite, combine, cause to become a single unit.
zid1cak each, every.
zid1cak first.
zid1canjad each time, on each occurrence.
zid1kok primary, main, chief, foremost, major, principal, first in importance, rank, or value.
zid1tek single, one of a kind.
zid2k two, both.
zid2njad twice, two times, on two occasions.
zid2cak both, group of two.
zid2cok second [in sequence].
zid2kok secondary, second in importance, rank, or value.
zid2plad3k two-thirds, 2/3.
zid2pud2sod3pudik 2.2 + 3.4i.
zid2pud5k 2.5.
zid2pud5d0d9xlid9k 2.509 * 10^9.
zid2sofrid4k 2 - 4i.
zid2tek double, twofold, two-in-one, two of a kind.
zid3k three.
zid3njad thrice, three times, on three occasions.
zid3cok third.
zid3kok tertiary, third in importance, rank, or value.
zid3slinjad the last three times.
zid3slunjad the next three times.
zid3sod2k 3 + 2i.
zid3tek triple, threefold, three-in-one, three of a kind.
zid4k four.
zid5k five.
zid5pladlad1d2k five-twelfths, 5/12.
zid6k six.
zid7k seven.
zid8k eight.
zid9k nine.
zidlad2d9k twenty-nine, 29.
zidlad2d9cok twenty-ninth, 29th.
zidledlad2k two-hundred, 200.
zidledlad2d0d2k two-hundred two, 202.
zifek enough, sufficient, adequate, ample, plenty of.
zifik extra, spare, surplus, leftover, supernumerary, over and above, above and beyond.
zifrek insufficient, inadequate, deficient, wanting, incomplete, lacking, too little, not enough.
zifrid2pud5k -2.5.
ziglek too many/much.
zimud8k 1 * 10^-8.
ziplad2k half, 1/2.
ziplad3k third, 1/3.
zipud5d7k 0.57.
zislik previous, last, previous member of a sequence.
zislinjad the last time, the previous time.
zisluk next, next member of a sequence.
zislunjad the next time.
zisofrid2pud4k 0 - 2.4i.
zitrenzop to split or break up into two
zixlid8k 1 * 10^8.
zoc somehow.
zok a/an, some, any.
zol Hey!, Say there!, Ahoy!, attempt to get someone's attention.
zos something, anything, things, stuff, whatever.
zosi things, stuff.
zosu whatever/whatsoever.
zongak which [interrogative adjective], what.
zongas what [interrogative noun], which entity.
zonjed for, in exchange for, 0/F secondary focus case tag.
zonjid for, for the sake of, 0/P secondary patient case tag.
zonjikaz for whom/what [relative noun], who ... for, the intended beneficiary of.
zonjod to, from, 0/AP secondary agent-patient case tag.
zonjud because (of), 0/A secondary agent case tag.
zonjugad why [interrogative adverb], for what reason.
zonjukaz why [relative noun], the reason for/why.
zonled by [passive].
zonlod of.
zonpak own, pertaining to oneself.
zonpas self, oneself.
zonpes each other, one another.
zonpod with [comitative], along with.
zonpomod along.
zonpud without.
zonreb measure, gauge, quantify, valuate, assess, assay.
zonteb add F to P, increase P by F, extend, augment, supplement.
zontob remove (F from P), extract, excise, eliminate, delete, expurgate, subtract, withdraw, deduct, reduce (P by F), decrease, take (F out of P).
zonzod for, to, towards.
zobac utterly, so (much), maximally, ultra-, as much as possible, totally, absolutely, such, really, to the greatest degree possible, etc.
zobak utter, such a, absolute, utmost, total, maximum/maximal, greatest, highest, uppermost, ultra, prodigious, extreme.
zobec very (much), highly, extremely, a lot, much, really.
zobek high in degree or magnitude, great, intense, high, strong, keen, acute, severe, considerable, substantial.
zobik moderate, temperate, so-so, average, moderate in degree or magnitude.
zoboc slightly, not too, a little, a bit, to a small or low degree.
zobok of a small or low degree, slight, mere, meager, low, weak, mild.
zobuc barely, hardly, negligibly, minimally.
zobuk minimum, minimal, negligible, inconsiderable, inconsequential, trifling, lowest, weakest, minimal in degree or magnitude.
zofec enough, sufficiently, adequately.
zoflac almost, not quite, nearly, all but, well-nigh.
zoflec only, just, merely, simply, solely, exclusively, purely, nothing but.
zofrec insufficiently, inadequately.
zofrek insufficient, inadequate, deficient, wanting, incomplete, lacking, too little, not enough.
zogac about, approximately, circa, roughly, more or less.
zoglec too, excessively, over-.
zoglek excessive, inordinate, overrated, overblown, overdone, outrageous, superfluous.
zoglic especially, particularly, in particular, specially, expressly.
zoglik special, particular, notable/noteworthy.
zograc exactly, precisely, strictly, no more and no less.
zograk exact, precise, express, absolute, rigorous, strict, faithful.
zozuk no, not (at all), negative indefinite article.
zozus nothing, nil, naught.
zuc to a/some degree, to an unspecified degree.
zuza proper _expression_ start.
zungac how (much), to what degree or extent.
zunxec so, to a degree known from context.
zunxwed to the degree/extent of/that.
zunxwez how much, degree of/that, extent, amount, measure.
zubac most, comparative modifier.
zubec more, -er, comparative modifier.
zubenzep increase, intensify, heighten, grow, rise, become more in degree or magnitude.
zubenzop magnify, amplify, heighten, intensify, enlarge, raise, cause to become more in degree or magnitude.
zubic as (much/many), comparative modifier.
zuboc less, comparative modifier.
zubonzep decrease, lessen, diminish, shrink, abate, become less in degree or magnitude.
zubonzop reduce, decrease, lessen, lower, cause to become less in degree or magnitude.
zubuc least, comparative modifier.
zucak unknown number marker.
zucuk unknown definiteness marker.
zudrag parenthetical _expression_ starter.
zufes complete parenthetical _expression_ stop.
zugrip reference-switching particle.
zugun contrasting topicalization particle.
zumod valency terminator.
zuslig opening parenthesis.
zuslus closing parenthesis.
zuxig quote starter [after noun].
zuxiz quote starter.
zuxlip heavy topicalization particle.
zuxoz spelling starter.
zuzus incomplete parenthetical _expression_ stop.