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Y words

yaras I, me.
yarek my.
yarik this, these.
yarod here, at this location.
yaronvip stay (here), tarry.
yaronzip come (here), cause oneself to become here.
yarud now, at this time.
yarudi nowadays, currently.
yarud-sesac today, on this day.
yarud-sesac-ququc tonight.
yarubad right now, immediately, at this very moment.
yarubak immediate, instant.
yarubid about now, at about this time.
yarsas we, us, we/us here but not others.
yarsek our, both my and your but not of others.
yarsik this, that.
yarsod here or there near you.
yarsud earlier (in the indicated time period).
yarstas we, us.
yarstek our.
yarstik the.
yarstod somewhere, here, there, or yonder.
yartas we, us.
yartek our.
yartod here or over there.
yartud later (in the indicated time period).
yasas you [2p sing].
yasek your.
yasik that, those [near the listener].
yasod there [near listener].
yasud earlier, already, at a time before now.
yasud-sesac yesterday.
yasubod a little while ago.
yastas you.
yastek your.
yastik that, those.
yastod there, at that location.
yatas he, him, she, her, it, they, them.
yatasi they.
yatek his, her, its, their.
yatik that, those, yon.
yatod over there [away from both speaker and listener], yonder.
yatud later, at a time after now.
yatud-sesac tomorrow.
yeb occur at/when, happen, take place.
yed when, while, during, as, at [temporal], at the same time as.
yen present-imperfective disjunct.
yengad when [interrogative adverb], at what time.
yenvib spend (time), pass.
yenyak ongoing, underway, in progress, current, currently happening.
yenyib spend/pass the time
yedan present-terminative disjunct.
yegen present-imperfective disjunct.
yegren present-perfective disjunct.
yekon present-resumptive disjunct.
yeslan present-iterative disjunct.
yeslin present-inceptive disjunct.
yeslun present-completive disjunct.
ye'ab precede, happen before, occur before, be before.
ye'ad before, by the time (of/that), prior to.
ye'an past-perfective disjunct.
ye'az predecessor of, forerunner, vanguard, prelude, precursor.
ye'anmod earlier, previously.
ye'anmok prior, preceding, earlier, previous, former.
ye'abon recently, not too long ago, a little while ago.
ye'abun just (a moment ago), just before now, very recently.
ye'adan past-terminative disjunct.
ye'agen past-imperfective disjunct.
ye'agren past-perfective disjunct.
ye'akon past-resumptive disjunct.
ye'aslan past-iterative disjunct.
ye'aslin past-inceptive disjunct.
ye'aslun past-completive disjunct.
ye'eb go on until, take place until, occur until, happen until, last until.
ye'ed until, till, to, up to (the time), by (the time), not later than.
ye'en past+present-perfective disjunct.
ye'id since, effective (as of), starting, ever since.
ye'in from now on, present+future-perfective disjunct.
ye'inmod ever since, since then, from then on, from that moment on.
ye'ob postdate, occur or happen after.
ye'od after, subsequent to, once, since.
ye'on future-perfective disjunct.
ye'onmod afterwards, after that, then, later.
ye'onmok subsequent, following, succeeding, future, next, happening in the future relative to an event known from context.
ye'oban eventually, in a very long time, in the remote future.
ye'oben eventually, a long time from now, far in the future.
ye'obin in a while, in a moderate time from now.
ye'obon soon, in the near future, in a short time from now.
ye'obun very soon, in the very near future, verge/be on the verge of.
ye'odan future-terminative disjunct.
ye'ogen future-imperfective disjunct.
ye'ogren future-perfective disjunct.
ye'okon future-resumptive disjunct.
ye'oslan future-iterative disjunct.
ye'oslin future-inceptive disjunct.
ye'oslun future-completive disjunct.
ye'un already, have been doing, tenseless-imperfective disjunct.
ye'unjad still, continues to.
ye'unyab continue (on), remain ongoing.
ye'unyob prolong, protract, continue, keep something ongoing.
ye'ugren tenseless-perfective disjunct.
ye'ujok typical, usual, habitual, regular, customary, routine, conventional.
ye'ujon tenseless-habitual disjunct.
ye'ujos habit, wont, custom, routine, convention.
ye'ujonjad usually, habitually, regularly, customarily, typically, routinely, on a regular basis.
ye'ujonyob do habitually/be in the habit of
ye'ukon tenseless-resumptive disjunct.
ye'ukonzyab resume, continue (on).
ye'ukonzyob resume, continue (on) with, cause to resume.
ye'uslan tenseless-iterative disjunct.
ye'uslanjad repeatedly, iteratively, over and over, time after time.
ye'uslanyob repeat, iterate, do over and over, do or perform repeatedly.
ye'uslin tenseless-inceptive disjunct.
ye'uslinzyab start (up), begin, commence, start happening.
ye'uslinzyob start (up), begin, initiate, introduce, cause an event to start.
ye'uslun tenseless-completive disjunct.
ye'uslunzyab end, finish, come to an ending/finishing point.
ye'uslunzyob finish, end, bring to an end.
ye'uzun tenseless-terminative disjunct.
ye'uzunyob suppress, repress, curb, check, arrest, restrain, keep in a halted state.
ye'uzunzyab stop, halt, come to a stop/halt.
ye'uzunzyib stop (oneself)
ye'uzunzyob stop, halt, interrupt, bring to a halt.
yob accept as possible, admit the possibility of, give credit/credence to.
yon may, probability modal disjunct.
yondas agnosticism, open-mindedness, broad-mindedness.
yongan interrogative probability modal disjunct.
yonjad possibly.
yonmek possible, conceivable, imaginable, thinkable.
yonmen Maybe, Perhaps, That's possible.
yonmedas possibility, likelihood, probability, chance, potential.
yobab believe, be convinced that/of, take as true (that).
yoban definitely, for sure, absolutely, maximal probability modal disjunct.
yobas believer, one who accepts as true.
yobandas faith, conviction.
yobanjad truly, definitely, really, absolutely, positively, indeed.
yobanles belief, tenet, something believed to be true.
yobanmek true, veritable.
yobanmen Yes, That's correct.
yobanmes truth, accepted fact, that which is believed to be true.
yobanmedas truth, veracity, truthfulness.
yobanveb realize, aware that, understand.
yobanveg credulous about, gullible, trusting, easily taken in, inclined to believe.
yobanzab decide, resolve, make up one's mind, conclude, convince oneself.
yobanzob persuade, convince, win over, cause someone to come to believe something.
yobeb think, feel, reckon, be of the opinion, take as likely or highly probable.
yoben must have ..., almost certainly, most likely, high probability modal disjunct.
yobendos assessment, impression, feeling, opinion.
yobenmek likely, highly probable, almost certain.
yobenmen Most likely, Most probably, Almost certainly, In all likelihood, That's almost certainly correct.
yobenmes presumption.
yobenveb presume, accept as most likely.
yobin probably, likely, there's a moderate probability that ..., average probability modal disjunct.
yobinmek probable, having a moderate probability.
yobinmen Probably, That's moderately probable.
yobinveb suppose, gather, daresay, accept as probable.
yobinzab conjecture, speculate, surmise, take as probable.
yobob doubt, question, be doubtful about, have doubts about, be skeptical about, consider unlikely or improbable.
yobok skeptical, doubtful, doubting.
yobon might, low probability modal disjunct.
yobos skeptic, doubter.
yobondas skepticism, doubt.
yobonmek unlikely, improbable, dubious, in doubt.
yobonmen Probably not, Not likely, That's probably not correct.
yobun just might have ..., quite possibly, there's a slight probability that ..., minimal probability modal disjunct.
yozub disbelieve, reject, to feel that something is untrue or impossible.
yozuk incredulous, unbelieving, disbelieving.
yozun not, zero-probability modal disjunct.
yozus unbeliever, disbeliever, one who accepts as untrue or impossible.
yozunmek false, untrue, incorrect, wrong, impossible.
yozunmen No, That's not true, That's wrong, That's incorrect.
yo'an evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'angan interrogative evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'anmek plausible, conceivable, reasonable, justifiable.
yo'abak sure, certain, positive, confident.
yo'aban maximal evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'abandas certainty, certitude, confidence.
yo'abanmek obvious, evident, manifest, patent, clear, certain, definite, plain, unmistakable.
yo'abanveb be obvious/evident to P that F.
yo'abanvekab F is obvious/evident to P
yo'abanvekag obvious to, evident, clear.
yo'abanzab conclude, come to the conclusion (that/about), come to be certain, confident, or sure (that/about).
yo'abanzimek conclusive, what one has determined is certain or sure.
yo'abanzimes conclusion, deduction, inference, verdict, determination, judgment, something that one has become certain or sure of.
yo'abanzob convince, persuade, show, cause someone to become certain/sure/confident that/about.
yo'abanzolob prove, establish, prove that something is true.
yo'abanzomob prove, establish, prove that something is true.
yo'abeb suppose, gather, surmise, guess, figure, reckon, take as likely due to evidence/reason.
yo'aben seem, feel, high evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'abenmek apparent, seeming, ostensible.
yo'abib suspect, imagine, feel that there is reasonable evidence for.
yo'abin average evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'abob doubt, question, be skeptical, consider unlikely due to the paucity of evidence or reason.
yo'abok skeptical, doubtful, doubting, skeptical due to the paucity of evidence or reason.
yo'abon low evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'abonmek problematic, dubious, unlikely due to the paucity of evidence or reason.
yo'abun minimal evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'ahab accept as possible, admit the possibility of.
yo'azun There's no way that ..., zero-evidentiality modal disjunct.
yo'awn hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awngan interrogative hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awban maximal hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awben high hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awbin average hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awbon low hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awbun minimal hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awzun zero-hedge modal disjunct.
yo'awzunmek so-called, self-styled, soi-disant.
yo'ayn reasonableness modal disjunct.
yo'en counterfactuality modal disjunct.
yo'engan interrogative counterfactuality modal disjunct.
yo'enmek hypothetical, speculative, conjectural, conditional.
yo'eban maximal-counterfactuality modal disjunct.
yo'ebanmek counterfactual, both hypothetical and untrue.
yo'ezun zero-counterfactuality modal disjunct.
yo'in acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'ingan interrogative acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'iban maximal acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'iben high acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'ibib accept, countenance, sanction, feel that focus is acceptable.
yo'ibig comfortable with, satisfied, approving, accepting, feeling that something (the focus, if specified) is moderately acceptable.
yo'ibin average acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'ibinmek acceptable, admissible, okay.
yo'ibob disfavor, frown (up)on, deprecate.
yo'ibon low acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'ibun minimal acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'izub disapprove (of), oppose.
yo'izuk disapproving, opposed, hostile.
yo'izun zero-acceptability modal disjunct.
yo'izundos disapproval, opposition.
yo'izunmek unacceptable, inadmissible, intolerable.
yo'on significance modal disjunct.
yo'ongan interrogative significance modal disjunct.
yo'oban maximal significance modal disjunct.
yo'oben high significance modal disjunct.
yo'obin average significance modal disjunct.
yo'obon low significance modal disjunct.
yo'obun minimal significance modal disjunct.
yo'ozun zero-significance modal disjunct.
yo'un inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'ungan interrogative inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'ubab presume, assume, take for granted, accept as inevitable.
yo'uban maximal inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'ubanmek inevitable, unavoidable, pre-ordained, ineluctable.
yo'ubanmes destiny, fate, lot, fortune, that which is inevitable.
yo'ubanmedas inevitability, unavoidability.
yo'ubeb expect, anticipate, feel that focus is almost inevitable.
yo'uben high inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'ubin average inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'ubon low inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'ubun minimal inevitability modal disjunct.
yo'uzun zero-inevitability modal disjunct.
yub have the option of.
yun can, may, have the option to, be permitted/allowed to, obligation modal disjunct.
yungan interrogative obligation modal disjunct.
yunkag optional for.
yunmek optional, discretional/discretionary, elective, neither required nor forbidden.
yunmes option.
yunvob allow, let, permit, give (someone) the option to, give leave to.
yubag obligated to, required.
yuban must, have to, maximal obligation modal disjunct.
yubankag mandatory for, obligatory, compulsory.
yubanmek mandatory, compulsory, obligatory.
yubanmes duty, obligation.
yubanvib feel obligated to.
yubanvob require, oblige, to give someone an obligation to do something.
yubanzib take on the obligation for.
yubeb it is advisable for P to F, it is desirable for P to F, be highly obligated to.
yuben should, ought to, high obligation modal disjunct.
yubenmek advisable, desirable, called for.
yubig supposed to, moderately obligated to.
yubin might as well, average obligation modal disjunct.
yubon low obligation modal disjunct.
yubun minimal obligation modal disjunct.
yuzun zero-obligation modal disjunct.
yu'en necessity modal disjunct.
yu'engan interrogative necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ebak destitute, down-and-out, in extreme need.
yu'eban maximal necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ebanmek essential, indispensable, vital, exigent.
yu'ebeb need, require, have a need for.
yu'ebek needy, in need (of).
yu'eben high necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ebendas requirement, necessity, need.
yu'ebenmek necessary, requisite, needed, required.
yu'ebenmes requirement, need, that which is needed.
yu'ebin average necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ebon low necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ebun minimal necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ezun zero-necessity modal disjunct.
yu'ezunmek unnecessary, inessential, superfluous, unessential, not necessary.
yu'ezunzomob make unnecessary, obviate.
yu'on consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'ongan interrogative consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'obab be imperative for P to F, be of the utmost urgency for P to F.
yu'oban maximal consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'obanmek imperative, critical, crucial, vital, of the utmost urgency.
yu'obeb it's urgent that P (do) F.
yu'obek responsible, accountable, liable, answerable.
yu'oben high consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'obenmek urgent, exigent, important, compelling, pressing, serious, highly consequential.
yu'obin average consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'obon low consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'obun minimal consequentiality modal disjunct.
yu'ozun zero-consequentiality modal disjunct.