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X words

xak colored, hued, in color, having color.
xandas color, hue.
xanzop color [verb], cause something to have color.
xabek deep [in color], intense.
xabok pale, light-colored.
xabonzap fade, wash out, lose color.
xacik colorful, many-colored, variegated, piebald, having a lot of color(s).
xacuk gray, blackish-white.
xagok white.
xaguk black.
xakek yellow.
xakik blue [the color].
xakipubok turquoise [the color].
xapek orange [the color].
xapeguk brown.
xapuk green.
xavuk red, incarnadine.
xavugok pink, reddish white.
xavuzek magenta.
xazek purple.
xazuk colorless, hueless, lacking color.
xek sensitive, able to sense, having feeling, not numb.
xefak honest, upright, truthful, sincere, earnest.
xefok kind(ly), considerate, thoughtful, accommodating.
xefuzak charitable, big-hearted, altruistic, philanthropic.
xegik homosexual, same-sex-lover.
xeglak eminent, prominent, illustrious.
xegripruk instinctive, inborn.
xeguk asleep, sleeping, slumbering.
xegup sleep, slumber, doze, snooze, be asleep.
xegunzap fall asleep, go to sleep, drop off, doze off, drowse off.
xehak seeing, sighted, not blind.
xehandas sight, vision.
xehadrak one-eyed, having only eye for seeing.
xehasik alert, attentive, on the alert.
xehek (capable of) hearing/not deaf.
xehep hear, be able to hear.
xehik able to smell.
xehok able to taste.
xehuk able to feel, touch.
xejuk sitting (down), seated, in a sitting position.
xejunsas seat, sitting location.
xejunvip sit (down), keep oneself seated.
xejunzip sit (down), become seated.
xekak female.
xekandak feminine.
xeklak gendered, sexual.
xeklandas sex, gender.
xekrak male.
xekrandak masculine.
xemek haired, with/having hair.
xemeguk brunette, dark-haired.
xemeklek blond, fair-haired.
xemevluk red-haired.
xemlek uncrippled, not lame.
xemrek standing, upright.
xemrep stand, be standing/upright.
xemrenzip stand up, get up, rise (up), arise, get to one's feet.
xepak alive, living.
xepap live, be alive.
xepandas life, vitality, aliveness.
xepek cheerful, merry, winsome, light-hearted.
xepik comfortable, feeling comfortable, comfy, cozy.
xepinvok comfortable.
xepiglek drunk, intoxicated, inebriated.
xeplak wild, feral, undomesticated, untamed.
xeplik sexy.
xeplindas sexuality.
xeplidek heterosexual.
xeplidrak homosexual.
xeprak mortal.
xeprok industrious, hardworking, diligent, assiduous, sedulous.
xeprofok well-meaning, well-intentioned, beneficent, benevolent.
xepuk mature, full-grown, grown-up, developed.
xepunzap grow (up), develop, mature, ripen, wax.
xesek agile, nimble, spry, fleet.
xesik healthy, hale, robust, in good health.
xesindas health, fitness, well-being [physical].
xesinzop heal, cure, restore to health.
xeslik pregnant, with child, expecting, gravid, in the family way.
xesliflak fertile, fruitful, able to reproduce.
xeslok punctual, prompt.
xesluk retired, in retirement.
xeslunzip retire, enter or go into retirement.
xesrek abed, in bed.
xesrenzip go to bed, retire.
xetak cowardly, craven, pusillanimous, dastardly, fainthearted, uncourageous.
xetas coward, craven, poltroon, chicken.
xetandas cowardice, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, pusillanimity, poltroonery, faintheartedness.
xetanvop intimidate, cow, browbeat, bulldoze.
xetlok loyal, faithful, true.
xetloplak native, indigenous.
xetloprok honorable, reputable, esteemed, estimable, meritorious.
xetloprondas honor.
xetloprondas reputation, esteem.
xetlozik patriotic, loyal (to one's country).
xetrak careful, cautious, prudent, circumspect.
xetrok violent.
xetrondes violence.
xetrondos violence.
xetroflak aggressive, combative, offensive, pugnacious.
xetroxlik fierce, ferocious, vicious, savage.
xetruk cosmopolitan, sophisticated, worldly.
xevak intelligent, having intelligence or mental acumen.
xevandas intelligence, intellect, acumen.
xevabak brilliant, genius, extremely intelligent.
xevabek smart, bright, sharp, very intelligent.
xevabok stupid, dumb, obtuse, doltish, having low intelligence.
xevabos ignoramus, dolt, dunce, dope, dumbbell, someone of low intelligence.
xevabuk feeble-minded, simpleminded, dimwitted, moronic, retarded, idiotic.
xevabus idiot, simpleton, dullard, dimwit, nitwit, moron, imbecile, half-wit.
xevafok sane, rational, sound, mentally sound.
xevasek clever, adroit, ingenious, cunning.
xevek conscious, aware, receptive, cognizant.
xevik skilled/skillful, proficient, good, adept, deft, competent, capable, able.
xevindas skill, know-how, expertise, competence, ability, talent, proficiency, adeptness.
xexlek active, lively, energetic, animated, vivacious, spry, peppy.
xexlik invigorated, energized, refreshed, fresh.
xexlinzop invigorate, energize, refresh, freshen.
xezek civil/civilized.
xezok devout, pious, religious.
xe'ak numb, unfeeling, deadened, insensitive.
xe'afak dishonest, deceitful, untruthful, insincere.
xe'afok cruel, sadistic.
xe'afuzak cheap, miserly, stingy.
xe'aglak infamous, notorious.
xe'agripruk learned, acquired, not instinctive, not inborn.
xe'aguk awake, up, conscious.
xe'agunzap wake (up), awake(n).
xe'ahak blind, unsighted, unseeing.
xe'ahasik inattentive, heedless, unmindful, unalert, unwary, unwatchful, unvigilant.
xe'ahek deaf, unhearing.
xe'ahik unable to smell.
xe'ahok unable to taste.
xe'ahuk unable to feel, touch.
xe'ajuk kneeling/on one's knees/on bended knee.
xe'ajup kneel, be on one's knees, be on bended knee.
xe'aklak asexual, not gendered.
xe'amek bald, without hair.
xe'amlek crippled, lame.
xe'amrek prone, lying down, recumbent, prostrate, supine.
xe'amrep lie, be lying/prone/recumbent.
xe'amrenzip lie down, recline, cause oneself to become prone/recumbent.
xe'amreklup lie on one's side, neither prone nor supine.
xe'amrekrup lie face down, lie prone, lie on one's stomach.
xe'amrekup lie face up, lie supine, lie on one's back.
xe'apak dead, lifeless, no longer alive.
xe'apandos death, passing.
xe'apanzap die, pass away/on, expire, lose one's life, meet one's death.
xe'apanzip commit suicide, kill oneself, take one's own life.
xe'apanzop kill, put to death, slay, take the life of, do away with, fell, strike dead.
xe'apek somber, grim, grave.
xe'apik uncomfortable, feeling uncomfortable.
xe'apinvok uncomfortable.
xe'apiglek sober, not intoxicated or inebriated.
xe'aplak tame, domesticated, not feral or wild.
xe'aprak immortal.
xe'aprok lazy.
xe'aprofok malicious, malevolent, malign, spiteful, catty.
xe'apuk immature, undeveloped, in an undeveloped state.
xe'asek clumsy, maladroit, bungling, all thumbs.
xe'asenvok awkward, unwieldy, cumbersome, clumsy.
xe'asik sick, ill, unhealthy, ailing, unwell, not healthy.
xe'asliflak sterile, barren, infertile, unable to reproduce.
xe'aslok unpunctual, dilatory, not on time.
xe'asrek up (and about), not in bed.
xe'asrenzip get up, arise, get out of bed.
xe'atak brave, courageous, bold.
xe'atandas courage, bravery.
xe'atanvop embolden, make brave or bold.
xe'atlok treacherous, disloyal, unfaithful.
xe'atloplak foreign, introduced, non-native, not indigenous.
xe'atloprok dishonorable, disreputable, ignoble.
xe'atloprondas dishonor.
xe'atlozik unpatriotic, disloyal (to one's country).
xe'atrak careless, negligent, derelict, incautious.
xe'atrabek reckless.
xe'atrok nonviolent, pacific/peaceful.
xe'atroflak protective, on guard, defensive, guarding.
xe'atruk parochial, provincial, insular.
xe'avak mindless, non-intelligent, lacking intelligence.
xe'avafok crazy, mad, insane, irrational, unsound, mentally unsound.
xe'avek unconscious.
xe'avenzap pass out, become unconscious.
xe'avik unskilled, inept, incompetent, raw, green, unskillful.
xe'axlek inactive, lifeless.
xe'axlik tired, weary, fatigued.
xe'axlindas fatigue, exhaustion, weariness, tiredness.
xe'axlinzop tire (out), fatigue, exhaust, weary, make tired.
xe'azek barbaric/barbarous, uncivilized, savage.
xe'azok impious, irreverent, profane.
xubak entire, whole, total, complete, plenary.
xucik sorted/collated/ordered/in the correct order
xucinzop sort, collate, order, put into correct order.
xudrak complete, undivided, whole, intact, together, total, plenary, undiminished.
xudrandas integrity, wholeness, intactness.
xudranzop put together, assemble.
xufak real, actual, true, existent.
xufap there is/are/etc, it is/are/etc, exist, happen, actually, really, in reality, ..., be real or actual or true.
xufandas reality, existence, actuality, being, factuality, realness.
xufandos event, incident, occurrence, episode, happening.
xufanrep verify.
xufanvop ensure, make sure (of/that), guarantee.
xufanzak eventual, ultimate, final.
xufanzap happen, come about, come to be, become a reality.
xufanzok responsible, that caused to become a reality.
xufanzop cause, make, create, produce, have, let's, bring into being, cause to become a reality.
xufanzos maker, creator.
xufanzwomop implement, carry out, put into effect/practice, translate into action, bring off, carry off, pull off, bring to pass, accomplish.
xufanzyajad eventually, ultimately, finally, in due time, in the fullness of time, in the long run.
xufek found/discovered/unearthed
xufenzop find, discover, unearth, recover something that was lost or misplaced.
xufik extra, spare, surplus.
xufruk stretched/distended/drawn (out)
xufrunzop stretch, distend, draw (out).
xufuk jammed, packed, wedged together.
xufunzop pack, jam together, cram, wedge.
xufuhak luminous, glowing, radiant, shiny, gleaming.
xufuhap shine, glow, gleam, radiate, give off light.
xugak unbound/unrestrained/untied/unshackled/free
xuganzop free, release, untie, unbind, unshackle.
xugek open(ed), accessible, not closed or shut, allowing passage or access.
xugenzop open (up), make accessible.
xugik mixed/blended
xuginzop mix, blend.
xugok clean, spotless, unsoiled, unsullied.
xugobek pure, unadulterated, unpolluted.
xugrak stable, steady, sturdy, secure, sound.
xugramok wound up/coiled/twined
xugramonzop wind (up), coil, twine.
xugrik uniform, homogeneous, unvarying/unvaried.
xugruk ornamental, decorative.
xugrunzop decorate, adorn, ornament, garnish, dress, deck (out), spruce up, embellish.
xuguk special, exceptional, out of the ordinary.
xuhak visible.
xuhanzap appear, become visible.
xuhagik transparent, clear.
xuhavok shiny, lustrous, glossy, polished.
xuhavop shine, be lustrous or polished.
xuhavonzop polish, shine, burnish, furbish.
xuhek audible, can be heard.
xuheplek ringing/pealing/chiming/tolling/jingling
xuheplep ring, peal, chime, toll, jingle.
xuhuk touchable, tangible, tactile, having texture, able to be touched.
xujruk straight, uncurved, unbent, unbowed.
xujrunzop straighten (out), unbend.
xujuk folded.
xujunzop fold.
xujufik slanted, sloping, inclining, not level, at an angle greater than zero degrees.
xujufip slant, slope, incline, not be level, be at an angle greater than zero degrees.
xujufindas grade, gradient, slant, slope, degree of inclination.
xujufrok twisted/contorted/warped/distorted
xujufronzop twist, contort, warp, distort.
xujuxlik crushed/crunched (up)
xujuxlinzop crush, crunch.
xukek on fire, aflame, burning.
xukekok roast(ed)/baked
xukekonzop roast, bake.
xukemok fried.
xukemonzop fry, cook in oil.
xukesluk burnt/damaged or consumed by fire
xukeslunzap burn.
xukesok cooked.
xukesonzop cook, prepare food using heat.
xukik liquid, fluid.
xukikok boiled.
xukikonzak becoming boiled
xukikonzap boil, become boiled.
xukikonzop boil.
xukikobok evaporated.
xukikobonzak becoming evaporated
xukikobonzap evaporate.
xukikobonzop evaporate.
xukikrik solidified, frozen.
xukikrinzak becoming frozen
xukikrinzap solidify, freeze.
xukikrinzop solidify, freeze.
xukimrek jetting/spouting/spurting/gushing/erupting
xukimrep jet, spout, spurt, gush, erupt.
xukisek flowing/streaming/pouring (forth)
xukisep flow, stream, pour (forth).
xukises stream.
xukisenvop pour, cause to flow or pour forth.
xukisrek leaky, leaking, dripping.
xukisrep leak, drip.
xuklokik floating.
xuklokip float.
xukok gaseous, in a gaseous state.
xukokik condensed.
xukokinzak becoming condensed
xukokinzap condense, change from a gas to a liquid.
xukokinzop condense, change from a gas to a liquid.
xukokrik change from a gas to a solid (e.g., frost).
xukosek blowing/venting
xukosep blow, vent, be blowing or venting.
xukosenvip blow, vent, cause oneself to blow or vent.
xukrik solid, not liquid or gas.
xukrikik molten, melted.
xukrikinzak becoming molten
xukrikinzap melt, become molten.
xukrikinzop melt.
xukrikok sublimated, converted from solid to gas.
xukrikonzak changing from solid to gaseous
xukrikonzap sublimate, change directly from a solid to a gas.
xukrikonzop sublimate, change directly from a solid to a gas.
xukrok buried.
xukronzop bury, inter.
xukrokik underwater, sunken, submerged, submersed.
xukrokinzap sink, become submerged.
xukrokinzop submerge, dip, sink.
xumik flat, even, level.
xumlimok curled (up).
xumok round, rotund.
xumoflak curved, bowed, arced.
xumomek swinging/swaying/reeling
xumomep swing, sway, reel.
xumosrek rotating/spinning.
xumosrep rotate, spin.
xumrek vertical, erect, standing.
xumrok hollow, vacant, void, vacuous, empty.
xumuk woven.
xumunzop weave.
xumufok fitting/having the correct size
xumufop fit, have the correct size.
xunok agitated, turbulent, perturbed.
xunonvop agitate, perturb/perturbate, stir up, churn, disturb.
xunonzop agitate, perturb/perturbate, stir up, churn, disturb.
xunomik waving/undulating/fluttering/billowing
xunomip wave, undulate, flutter, billow.
xunomok oscillating.
xunomop oscillate.
xupak on, active, running, operating, functioning.
xupanzop turn on, activate, energize, switch on, start up.
xupasluk surviving/being a survivor
xupaslup survive, hang on, stay alive.
xupaslus survivor.
xuplak natural, occurring in nature, not artificial.
xuplafok unpolluted, uncontaminated, pristine.
xuprakik drowned.
xuprakinzap drown, die by drowning.
xuprakinzop drown, kill by drowning.
xuprok useful, valuable.
xuprogik authentic, real.
xuprosluk stored/stowed/stockpiled/put away/set aside
xuproslunzop store, stow, stockpile, put away, set aside.
xusak tough, rugged, hardy, resistant, durable.
xusek moving, in motion.
xusep move, be in motion.
xusendas mobility, motivity, movement, motion.
xusendes movement, motion.
xusendos movement, motion.
xusemik sliding/gliding/coasting
xusemip slide, glide, coast.
xusemok rolling/tumbling
xusemop roll, tumble.
xusemruk sliding/gliding
xusemrup slide, glide.
xusik functional/functioning, operational, in working order, working.
xusip work, function, be in working order, be functional or operational.
xusindas use, function/functionality, operation, role.
xusinrep test, check (out), determine if focus is functional or in working order.
xusinzop fix, repair, mend, make functional/operational, put into working order.
xuslik original, firsthand, underived.
xuslok modern, contemporary, present-day.
xusluk futuristic, advanced.
xusok edible, eatable, fit for consumption.
xusrek rigid, firm, immovable.
xutik combined/(inter)mingled/put together
xutinzop combine, mingle, intermingle, put together.
xutomlok hand-made, hand-crafted, homemade, made by hand.
xutrek split (open), cracked, gashed, slit, cleaved.
xutrensas crack, cleft, crevice, fissure, split, rift, gash.
xutrenzop split (open), cleave, crack, gash, slit.
xutrebok scratched/scored/gashed/gouged
xutrebonsas scratch/gash/gouge
xutrebonzop scratch, score, gash, gouge.
xutrok military, strongly organized/regimented.
xutruhak televised/telecast/broadcast
xutruhanvop televise, telecast, broadcast.
xutruvek transmitted/broadcast
xutruvenvop transmit, broadcast.
xuvek exposed, manifest, opposite of hidden.
xuvecik famous, renowned.
xuvecindas fame, renown.
xuvik organized, arranged, in order, tidy.
xuvinzop organize, arrange, put in order.
xuvifok neat, tidy.
xuvok torn/ripped/rent
xuvonzop tear, rip, rent.
xuxok marked, not blank.
xuxontep mark, add marking to.
xuxonzop mark, add marking to.
xuzak valuable, dear, precious.
xuzandas value, worth.
xu'abak incomplete, partial, fractional.
xu'adrak fragmented, in pieces, split, broken up.
xu'adranzap break up, break into pieces.
xu'adranzop smash, pulverize, break into pieces.
xu'afak imaginary, nonexistent, fictitious, not real or actual.
xu'afanvop prevent, bar, keep from, avert, stave off, preclude, forfend.
xu'afanzop wipe out, stamp out, annihilate, obliterate, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, destroy, put an end to, do away with.
xu'afek missing, misplaced, lost.
xu'afenzop misplace, lose.
xu'afruk squeezed/compressed
xu'afrunvop squeeze, keep in a compressed state.
xu'afrunzop compress, cause to occupy less space.
xu'afuhak pitch-black, pitch-dark, jet-black, inky.
xu'agak bound/tied (up)
xu'aganzop tie up, bind, truss.
xu'agek closed, shut, inaccessible, unopen, not allowing passage or access.
xu'agenzop close, shut, cause to become closed or shut.
xu'agik isolated, separate, apart, unmixed, unblended.
xu'agok dirty, soiled, grimy, grubby, sullied.
xu'agobek impure, adulterated, polluted.
xu'agrak unstable, precarious, insecure, unsound.
xu'agramok unwound/uncoiled/untwined
xu'agramonzop unwind, uncoil, untwine.
xu'agrik various, sundry, diverse, varied, manifold, multiform.
xu'agrindas variety, diversity, multiformity.
xu'agrinzip diversify, vary, introduce variety into.
xu'agrinzop diversify, vary, introduce variety into.
xu'agruk plain, nondescript, inornate, undecorated, unornamented.
xu'aguk ordinary, unexceptional, not special.
xu'ahak invisible, unseen.
xu'ahanzap disappear, vanish, become invisible.
xu'ahagik opaque.
xu'ahavok dull, unpolished.
xu'ahuk untouchable, intangible, unable to be touched.
xu'ajruk bent, crooked, akimbo, bowed, not straight.
xu'ajrunzop bend, bow, cause to become bent.
xu'ajuk spread (out)/splayed/outspread/sprawled/unfolded
xu'ajup sprawl, spread, extend, stretch, be spread out.
xu'ajunzop spread (out), splay, outspread, unfold.
xu'akesok raw, uncooked.
xu'akimrek trickling/oozing/dribbling
xu'akimrep trickle, ooze, dribble.
xu'amik uneven, not flat or level.
xu'amomek steady, not swinging or swaying.
xu'amrek horizontal, level.
xu'amrok solid, unitary, not hollow, undivided, concrete.
xu'anok placid, quiescent, smooth, unruffled, calm, tranquil, still.
xu'apak off, inactive, quiescent, not running, not operating, not functioning.
xu'apanzop turn off, shut off/down, switch off, deactivate, de-energize.
xu'aplak artificial, man-made, synthetic, unnatural, not occurring in nature.
xu'aplafok polluted, contaminated.
xu'aplafonzop contaminate, pollute, infect.
xu'aplafonzwop contaminate, pollute, infect.
xu'aprok useless, good-for-nought, good-for-nothing, unsuitable, unfit, unusable.
xu'aprogik fake, not authentic.
xu'asak delicate, fragile, frail, flimsy, not tough or rugged.
xu'asek motionless, immobile, unmoving, still, not in motion.
xu'asik broken, dysfunctional, non-operational, out of order, in disrepair, not in working order.
xu'asinzop break, disable, incapacitate, cripple, put out of order, cause to become broken or dysfunctional.
xu'asibok impaired/damaged/harmed/less than fully functional
xu'asibonzap deteriorate, worsen.
xu'asibonzop damage, impair, harm.
xu'aslik unoriginal, derived, imitation, copy.
xu'aslis imitation/copy
xu'aslok old-fashioned, dated, out-of-date.
xu'asluk primitive, not advanced or up-to-date.
xu'asok inedible, uneatable, not fit for consumption.
xu'asrek flaccid, limp, slack, flabby.
xu'atik apart, split up, dispersed, not together.
xu'atlok kindred, akin, related, having something in common.
xu'atomlok machine-made, machine-crafted, made by machine.
xu'atrok unregimented, unorganized, unmilitary.
xu'avek hidden, concealed.
xu'avenvip hide (oneself)
xu'avenzip go into hiding.
xu'avenzop hide, conceal.
xu'avik disorderly/disorganized, messy, untidy, in disorder, not in order.
xu'avifok messy, sloppy, not neat or tidy.
xu'axok blank, unmarked.
xu'azak worthless, valueless, cheap.