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T words
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 10:31:21 EDT
- Subject: T words
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
tam tell.
tandes speech, speaking, talk(ing).
tandos statement, utterance, remark, comment, _expression_.
tanjad aloud, out loud, using speech.
tanlom say, utter, speak, state, declare, express.
tanmom say, utter, speak, state, declare, express.
tanpem discuss, talk about, confer about.
tanpedos discussion, conversation, talk, dialogue.
tanxyim speak, use speech.
tanyam speak to, talk to.
tabem declare, declaim.
tablem shout (at/to), yell, holler, call out, cry out.
tablom whisper, susurrate.
tabom mention, comment, remark, note, observe.
tabonpem chat.
tafam tell the truth.
tafabom claim, profess, allege.
tafim praise, laud, extol, applaud.
tafibom compliment, pay a compliment to.
taflam propose, submit, suggest, posit.
taflafom urge, encourage, exhort, prompt, admonish.
taflafrim warn, caution, give warning.
taflafrom discourage.
tafom ask for/that, request, call, appeal, order [eg. at a restaurant].
tafobem beg, beseech, implore, plead, entreat.
tafoblem demand to, insist.
tafofum offer, present, proffer.
tafozem appeal, make a legal request.
tafozum refuse, decline, turn down, not consent to.
tafozunmom refuse/decline/etc
tafozunyam refuse/decline/etc
tafram lie, prevaricate, tell a lie, speak falsely, bear false witness.
tafrim criticize, find fault, censure.
tafribem denounce, condemn.
tafribom complain to, groan, grumble, gripe.
tafribondos complaint, grievance, peeve.
tafrom accuse.
tafrofim confess, admit (wrongdoing).
tafrofom deny, repudiate, disclaim.
tafrum ask, question, query, inquire.
tafrunlom ask, question, query, inquire.
tafruvim interrogate, question.
tafum answer, reply, respond.
tafundos answer/reply/response
tafunmemos answer/reply/response (actual words spoken).
tagam gossip.
tagas gossip, person who gossips.
tagandos gossip, rumor.
tagem announce, say publicly.
taglam thank, express gratitude, give or offer thanks.
taglazum apologize, beg pardon, ask forgiveness.
taglem brag, boast.
tagrem prohibit, forbid, bar.
tagrim mock.
taham describe, characterize.
tajam flatter, butter up, blandish, adulate, wheedle.
tajazum disparage, belittle, bad-mouth, malign, put down.
takem scold, berate.
takom exclaim, cry out, say with strong feelings.
tapem congratulate.
tapim welcome, bid someone welcome.
tapibom greet.
tapom tease, banter, joke.
taproflam dare, challenge.
taprokem incite, provoke.
taslum promise, pledge, vow, swear, give one's word.
taslundos promise, pledge, vow, oath.
tasum order, command, dictate, direct, mandate, instruct, bid, enjoin, charge.
tatam threaten, menace.
tatandos threat.
tatanmemos threat (emphasizes actual words used).
tatabom intimidate, cow, browbeat.
tatem invite.
tatebom hail, call.
tatim credit for/with, attribute, ascribe.
tatifrom blame.
tatlom advise, recommend, counsel, suggest.
tatlondos advice, recommendation, counsel, suggestion.
tatlonmemos advice, recommendation, counsel, suggestion.
tatrem object to, protest (about), challenge.
tatrenmom object to, protest (about), challenge.
tatrom insult, affront.
tatrofrom cuss out, swear at, use vulgar language at.
tavem explain, explicate, expound, spell out, clarify, elucidate, make something well understood.
tavim report, communicate officially or in a professional format.
tavindos account, rendition, depiction, report.
tavizem testify, recount personal observations in a legal or formal setting.
tavizendos testimony.
tazam haggle, dicker, negotiate, bargain.
tazem swear, affirm, vouch, assert [under oath].
tazendos oath, affirmation.
tazim decree, ordain, rule.
tazom preach, sermonize.
tazofom bless.
tazofrom curse.
tep attend, take in.
tenwap attend, take in.
tecip participate, take part.
tecinwap participate in, take part in.
tecuk busy, occupied, tied up.
tecuzuk idle, unoccupied.
tefaflap estimate, make or form an estimate.
tefaflanwamek estimated.
tefaslup predict, forecast, prognosticate.
teflap try, attempt, essay, endeavor, have (a go) at.
teflanvop try, attempt, essay, endeavor, have (a go) at.
teflaprop practice, train, drill, exercise.
tefop behave (oneself), be good, display good behavior.
tefrap pretend, feign, make believe, masquerade, playact, pose.
tefrip sacrifice, do without, make sacrifices.
tefrok bad, naughty, misbehaving.
tefrop misbehave, act up.
tefrogup cheat.
tegip negotiate, work on a resolution.
tegrak obedient, compliant.
tegrap obey, heed, mind, honor.
tegrazup disobey, violate, transgress, break.
tegrip perform, act, play.
tegrimup model, display clothing, etc.
tegrimus model [one who displays clothing, etc.].
tegup plot, scheme, intrigue, conspire, connive.
tehafap investigate, look into, probe, inquire.
tehafandos investigation, inquiry, probe.
tehagup spy, do espionage.
tehaprop supervise, oversee, superintend.
tehatrep demonstrate, protest publicly.
tehavep examine, inspect, review.
tehavenwap examine, inspect, review.
tehep buzz, hum.
tehexop spell (out), orthographize.
tehup caress, pet, stroke, fondle.
tejip calculate.
temep navigate.
temip scratch (an itch).
temrap mine, dig/excavate minerals.
tepip vacation, take a vacation.
teplasrap camp (out), go camping.
teplotrop box, compete or act as if competing in boxing.
tepop play, disport, take part in a recreational activity.
tepotrep compete.
tepotrendes compete against ... in/at
tepotrendos competition, rivalry, contest, match, engagement, encounter.
tepotrenvop competition, rivalry, contest, match, engagement, encounter.
tepotrenwop competition, rivalry, contest, match, engagement, encounter.
tepozap gamble, bet.
teprop work, labor, toil.
teprondes work, labor, toil.
teprondos work, task, job.
tepronsas post, duty station, work location.
tepropep celebrate, observe.
teprozup strike, be on strike.
tesebek hasty/hurrying/in a hurry
tesebep hurry, rush, scramble, bustle, make haste, be in a hurry or rush.
tesebendas haste, hurry, rush, hastiness, hurriedness.
teslup react, respond.
tesozup fast, refrain from eating.
tesup administrate.
tesundos administration.
tesuplop coach [athletic], train.
tetap endanger, put at risk, put in harm's way.
teted together, jointly.
tetep cooperate, collaborate, do together.
tetendak joint, collective, combined, done together.
tetefop polite.
tetefrop rude, impolite.
tetip compromise, meet halfway, make concessions.
tetoslip design, engineer, contrive, devise.
tetrap guard, do guard duty.
tetras guard/guardian, warder, watch/watchman, sentry/sentinel.
tetrep argue, dispute, quarrel.
tetrendak argumentative, quarrelsome, pugnacious.
tetrevip debate.
tetrop fight, brawl, struggle.
tetrondos fight, brawl, struggle.
tetrocip riot.
tetrocindos riot.
tetrozip revolt, rebel.
tetrozis rebel, insurgent, revolutionary.
tetrozindos rebellion, uprising, insurrection/insurgency, revolution.
tetrozinvop revolt against.
tetup live, make one's home, maintain a household.
tetunsas home, residence, abode, quarters.
tevefrup study, attempt to learn something.
tevefup teach, train, educate.
teveplap search, look for, seek.
tevesrep explore.
texefrop nag.
texegip translate, interpret.
texip communicate.
texindas communication.
texigep speak (publicly), give or deliver a speech.
texigendos speech, talk, address, oration.
texlip exert oneself, put forth effort, apply oneself, put energy or elbow grease into something, work hard.
texlindes effort, exertion, application, hard work.
texrop read, understand the meaning of written symbols.
tezip run [for political office], campaign.
tezis candidate, campaigner, one who runs for public office.
tezloslup foretell, soothsay, prophesy, tell the future.
tezop pray, worship.
tezonzwamep prayer.
tezup wait, abide, bide one's time, mark time.
tezunwap wait for, await.
te'efyecislup harvest, reap.
te'eginzwap resolve, settle, reconcile, work out, come to an agreement about, work out a satisfactory solution.
te'egop bathe, take a bath.
te'egomrep shower, take a shower.
te'egrup paint, take part in the activity of painting.
te'ehajrop film, record with a motion picture camera.
te'ehep pronounce, enunciate.
te'ejep vote, cast a vote.
te'ekep cook, prepare food using heat.
te'emlop draw, sketch, delineate.
te'emrap dig.
te'emup sew, stitch, tailor.
te'epap reproduce, have offspring.
te'eplip conceive (sperm penetrates ovum).
te'epup plant, sow.
te'epunvop plant, sow.
te'epunwap plant, sow.
te'esop eat, ingest.
te'esonvop feed, cause to eat.
te'esonwop feed, cause (someone/something) to eat (something).
te'esokip drink, imbibe.
te'eveslup experiment, run an experiment.
te'evosip operate, perform surgery.
te'evosindak surgical.
te'evosindos operation, surgery.
te'exop write, scribe.
te'exojrop print, write in block letters.
te'exokip handwrite, write in longhand or cursive.
te'exozup erase.
te'ezap trade, deal, traffic, do business, buy and sell.
te'ezandes commerce, trade, business.
te'ezandos transaction, deal, business deal.
te'obyetep bark.
te'ofip applaud, clap (hands).
te'ohap gaze, stare.
te'ohekop whistle, make a shrill sound.
te'ohepep cheer.
te'oheprup roar.
te'ojup bow (down), kowtow, make obeisance.
te'omeplep dance.
te'omeplendos dance.
te'omlip reach (out) (for), extend a limb in an attempt to grasp something.
te'oplep sing.
te'osip exercise, work out.
te'osrep rest, relax.
tihasep track, stalk, trace, trail.
tihyep ride, travel by vehicle.
tihyenvop drive, operate [a vehicle].
tihyekip sail, travel by boat.
tihyekifrup row [a boat].
tikip swim.
tikop fly, keep oneself airborne and moving.
tikonvop fly [an aircraft], pilot.
tikofrup dive, plunge.
tikrop crawl, creep.
timep walk.
timegrap march, walk like a soldier in formation.
timepop race, compete by running.
timesep run, sprint, bound.
timrep climb.
tinip jump, leap, spring, vault, bound.
tipihap tour, sight-see, rubberneck.
tiprotep meet, convene, assemble, gather.
tiprozap shop, go shopping.
tiprup hunt.
tisep go, proceed.
tisepwa return [to a former location], go back, turn back.
tisendos trip, jaunt, going.
tisenzop send (off/forth), dispatch.
tisegap wander.
tisejyuglop ski, travel on snow using skis.
tiseslup chase, pursue, give chase, go after.
tiseslubop follow, tail.
titrup travel, journey, voyage, make a trip.
titrusep flee, run away from.
tofukof fart, pass gas.
tofusof vomit.
togexif yawn.
toguf faint.
togya'akaf lay [an egg].
tohaf blink.
tohef burp.
tohebof hiccup, hiccough.
tohif sniffle, have the sniffles.
tohixlef sneeze.
tokitraf sweat, perspire.
toklokrof nod.
tokof breathe, respire [lit.: to take a breath].
tokonxaf breathe, respire.
tokohef wheeze, breathe loudly.
tokozuf choke.
tokraf ejaculate.
tokroflaf trip, stumble.
tonof shiver, shake, tremble.
topef laugh.
topif smile, grin.
topinxif smile, grin.
topref cry, weep, sob.
toslif give birth, have a baby, whelp, deliver.
toslindos birth, nativity, childbirth.
toslinvokaf be born to.
toslinvolef be born to.
toslinvomek born.
tosligya'akaf hatch [from an egg].
tosof swallow, gulp (down), bolt (down), gobble, ingurgitate.
tosonwaf swallow, gulp (down), bolt (down), gobble, ingurgitate.
tosonwif swallow, gulp (down), bolt (down), gobble, ingurgitate.
tosref hesitate, pause (involuntarily).
totif gargle.
tovof whip, lash, snap [a sudden, violent motion].
tovuf bleed.
tovuslaf menstruate.
toxavluf blush.
toxikif drool, drivel, drip saliva from the mouth.
toxislaf stammer, stutter.
toxlef cough.
to'ugaf burst.
to'ukrof fall, plummet, plunge, drop.
to'usemruf slip, slide.
to'utef collapse, fall down, fall into itself.
to'utrof explode.
to'utrondos explosion.
tuf do something to, affect, have an effect on.
tundos action, deed, act, feat, measure.
tunjed with [instrumental], by, by means of, via, on, through.
tunjegad how [interrogative adverb], via what means, method, or instrument.
tunjekaz how, the how of, the way that/of, the manner in which, the method with which, the manner of occurrence of.
tunmef be under control
tunmof be in charge/control
tunpef be under the control of
tunrof use on, apply to.
tunwif achieve, accomplish.
tunxaf control, manage, run.
tunxamek under control, in hand.
tunxidyu back, in return.
tunxif act, take action, take steps.
tunxifyu reciprocate.
tunxidos action (taken), steps (taken).
tunxwif do, carry out, perform, commit.
tunxwifyu reciprocate by.
tunxwidak able, capable, competent, fit, having the ability to do something.
tunxwidas ability, capability, competence.
tunxwidos activity, goings-on, doings.
tunxwilof be doing something.
tunxwimes deed, act, action, activity, measure.
tunxwimedak doable, practical.
tubef increase, magnify, amplify, expand, raise.
tubof decrease, reduce, ease, lessen, lower.
tucuf deal with, see to, handle, take care of, do something about.
tucundas handling, treatment, means or method of dealing with.
tucundes handling, treatment, means or method of dealing with.
tucundos handling, treatment, means or method of dealing with.
tudef relieve, spell [take one's turn].
tufrukif suck, draw in, siphon.
tufrutef collect, gather.
tufutrof crash into.
tufutronpef collide, crash into one another.
tugizuf influence, sway, affect.
tugizuk influential.
tugrif trick, fool, deceive.
tukif rinse, flush, irrigate.
tukixif spit on.
tukrof drop, let fall.
tukrofruf drag.
tukrokif spill.
tulohuf pinch.
tulokrof put down, deposit, set down.
tumaf stab, stick, transfix.
tumif rub.
tumonvif turn around.
tumokif stir, roil, swish.
tunof shake, rattle, agitate, perturb.
tupif entertain, amuse, divert.
tupifrof betray.
tupifros traitor, one who commits betrayal.
tupifrondos betrayal, treason.
tupof tickle.
tupraxlaf electrocute.
tusref interfere with, hinder, impede, inhibit.
tutaf harm, injure, hurt.
tutabaf demolish, raze, destroy.
tutabandak destructive.
tutabef wreck, ruin.
tutabif torture, torment.
tutef help, aid, assist, succor, abet, support, give or lend a hand, give relief to.
tutek helpful, helping.
tutraf rescue, save.
tutroflaf fire, shoot [a firearm].
tuvof cut, slice, incise, gash.
tuvomif scrape, graze.
tuxlef hit, strike, smash, bash, whack, rap, smite, impact, etc.
tuxlendos blow/hit/strike.
tuxlehuf knock, tap.
tuzizuguf subvert, undermine.
tuzizutrof overthrow.
tu'afajrof manufacture, fabricate, produce.
tu'afof reform, rehabilitate, mend the ways of.
tu'afof process, treat, convert, transform.
tu'afrif cancel.
tu'afroflaf charge (with a crime), press or bring charges against.
tu'afruf pull, tug, draw, tow, haul.
tu'afuf push, shove, thrust, impel, propel.
tu'agazuf repress, suppress, subdue, put down, quash, quell.
tu'agof wash, launder.
tu'agraf capture, seize.
tu'agranvif surrender, submit, give oneself up, turn oneself in.
tu'agrafrof kidnap.
tu'agrafronxaf hold hostage, keep as a hostage.
tu'agrazef arrest, seize, take into custody.
tu'agrazenxaf have/keep in custody
tu'agref ban, outlaw, proscribe.
tu'agrikof promote, advance, elevate, upgrade, raise in rank.
tu'agrikrof demote, degrade, reduce, lower (in rank).
tu'agufrof blackmail.
tu'agya'axlif massage.
tu'ahaf aim, point or target a weapon.
tu'ahanxwif target, aim at, point a weapon at.
tu'ahanxwikas target, entity aimed at.
tu'ajaf defeat, overcome, beat, triumph over, win over, prevail over.
tu'ajak victorious, triumphant, winning, prevailing.
tu'ajandos victory, triumph, win.
tu'ajanmef lose, be defeated.
tu'ajanmof win, triumph in/at, prevail, achieve victory in.
tu'ajanvef lose, be defeated.
tu'ajanwef lose.
tu'ajef choose, select, pick.
tu'ajenmes choice, selection, pick.
tu'ajefof ratify, confirm, approve of.
tu'ajevaf appoint, name.
tu'ajezif elect, put into office.
tu'ajezuf veto.
tu'ajrof invent, innovate.
tu'ajronmes invention, innovation.
tu'akof lift, pick up, raise.
tu'amef guide, conduct, escort, usher, lead.
tu'ames guide, escort, usher.
tu'amlaf grind, mill.
tu'amlif manipulate.
tu'amlof grab, grasp, seize.
tu'amlonxaf hold (on to), grip, grasp, clutch, cling to.
tu'amof turn, steer, orient, direct.
tu'amuf wipe.
tu'anofrof take revenge on, get even with.
tu'anofrondes revenge, vengeance.
tu'anofronmef retaliate.
tu'apifof court, woo, pay court to, press one's suit.
tu'apraf murder, take the life of.
tu'apranmof commit homicide [or murder].
tu'aprakof hang, execute by hanging.
tu'aprazif execute, put to death.
tu'aprof serve, do duty to, be of service to.
tu'aprondes service, being of service, duty rendering.
tu'apuf grow, raise [crops].
tu'asef carry, bear, tote, lug, pack.
tu'asetef bring, fetch, deliver.
tu'asetrof hijack.
tu'asif treat, minister to, give care to, nurse.
tu'asindes care, treatment, ministration.
tu'asindos care, treatment, ministration.
tu'aslif create, found, originate, establish, launch.
tu'asof cultivate, tend crops[, farm].
tu'asraf visit, call on.
tu'asuf lead, direct.
tu'ataf abuse.
tu'atak abusive.
tu'atandas abuse.
tu'atabef persecute, torment, victimize, harass, harry, oppress.
tu'atetif intervene, constructively interfere with.
tu'atezuf boycott.
tu'atof build, construct, fabricate, erect, make, put up.
tu'atrof attack.
tu'atrondes aggression, offensive, attack.
tu'atrondos attack, assault, onslaught.
tu'atrobaf invade, overrun, beset, infest.
tu'atrobof raid, make a foray against.
tu'atrobondos raid, foray.
tu'atroguf ambush, bushwack.
tu'atrosef charge, rush at.
tu'atrosif deploy, mobilize, marshal.
tu'atruf launch, cause to blast off.
tu'atrumlof throw, pitch, toss, fling, sling, cast, hurl, chuck, lob, propel, let fly.
tu'atruzef deport, exile, expatriate, banish.
tu'atruzuf catch, grab a moving (typically airborne) object.
tu'axleslaf beat (up), strike repeatedly.
tu'axletruf shoot, hit [a target].
tu'axlezuf miss, fail to hit.
tu'axlizuf yield to, capitulate, give up/in, submit, back down, surrender.
tu'azefif show mercy to/on, be lenient or merciful towards.
tu'azefik lenient, merciful, clement.
tu'azefindas leniency, clemency, mercy, mercifulness.
tu'azeflaf prosecute.
tu'azefrif punish, penalize, discipline.
tu'azejef judge, adjudicate, pass judgement on.
tu'azezaf sue, litigate.
tu'azif govern, rule, lead.
tu'aziflaf nominate, propose.
tu'azifrof oppress, govern with cruelty and injustice.
tu'azitrof conquer, subjugate.
tu'azizuf oust, depose, kick out, remove from office.
tu'uhof lick.
tu'unomlof shake hands with.
tu'upimlif hug, embrace.
tu'uplif mate, have sex with.
tu'uplindes sex, intercourse, copulation, coitus, lovemaking.
tu'usof bite.
tu'usosaf chew.
tu'uxif kiss.
tu'uxlekrof kick.
tu'uxlemif slap.
tu'uxlemlof punch, hit with the fist.