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S words

sas protocol.
sacas base, numerical base.
sacabirs binary (base 2) number system.
sacacors octal (base 8) number system.
sacadars decimal (base 10) number system.
sacadirs duodecimal (base 12) number system.
sacafers hexadecimal (base 16) number system.
sacaqars hexagesimal (base 60) number system.
sacek standard, official, authoritative.
saces standard, guiding protocol or formalism.
sacus system, arrangement, disposition. eg. railroad system, nervous system, solar system, etc.
safes term, stipulation, condition, provision.
safos plan, scheme.
safros taboo.
sagis deal, agreement, pact, compact, bargain.
sagras contract, pact, policy, covenant, compact, legal agreement or covenant.
sagrafes deed, ownership contract.
sagraxis grammar.
sagus cipher, secret code.
sahyuxes program, computer program.
sahyuxebos subroutine.
sajok traditional.
sajos tradition, custom, more.
sajocis culture, folkways.
sajros technique, approach, mode, method, way, manner, means.
sajroves technology, craft, technical knowhow.
sajrovendak technological.
sakris policy, position, platform.
sakros principle, precept, tenet, guideline, working or guiding principle.
sames course, itinerary, route.
sapajros civilization.
saples score, music.
sapros program, plan, procedure, system.
saprogras rule, regulation, bylaw, canon.
saproslis condition, precondition, prerequisite.
sases process, procedure, operation, course.
sasexis instruction, direction, information about how to do something.
saslis design, plan, layout.
sasos recipe, cooking instructions.
sasogras diet, what one eats.
satis network, web.
satisa Internet.
satras insurance (policy).
satranrop insure, provide an insurance policy for.
satros battle plan.
satrobes strategy.
satrobos tactic/tactics.
saveflas hypothesis, possible explanation.
savetis theory, comprehensive and principled explanatory system.
saxis language, tongue, lingua.
saxisa the name of the interlingua.
saxi{French}sa French, the French language.
saxibos creole.
saxibus pidgin, trade language.
saxiplas dialect, local version of a language.
sazas economy, market/marketplace.
sazafos bargain, good buy, steal.
sazagras budget.
sazes law, statute, canon, ordinance.
sazendak legal.
sazebas constitution, law of the land.
sazeflas bill [legislative].
sazis treaty, concord/concordat, binding international agreement.
ses unit (of measure).
sedles century, period of 100 years.
sehas candela.
sejus radian.
sejubos minute [angle].
sejubus second [angle].
sejujos degree [angle].
sejukris steradian.
sekes kelvin [unit of temperature].
sekejos degree (Celsius/Centigrade).
sekris mole [unit of amount].
sekros gram.
sekro{pound}s pound, English weight measure equal to 16 ounces or about 0.45 kilograms.
sekro{pound}bes ton [non-metric].
sekro{pound}bos ounce.
sekroxlidos metric ton [1000 kg].
sekroxlidres kilogram.
semes meter [unit of measurement].
seme{foot}s foot [twelve inches].
seme{foot}bas mile.
seme{foot}bes yard [three feet].
seme{foot}bos inch.
semekros step, pace, stride.
sememudes centimeter.
sememudres millimeter.
semexlidres kilometer.
semlos liter [unit of measurement].
semlo{gallon}s gallon.
semlo{gallon}bos quart.
semlo{gallon}bus pint.
seplas hectare, a unit of land area measure equal to 10,000 square meters (= 2.471 acres).
sepla{acre}s acre.
sesac today, on this day.
sesac:yarud-sesac-quguc tonight.
sesac:yasud-sesac yesterday.
sesac:yatud-sesac tomorrow.
sesas day, unit of measure equal to 24 hours.
sesabas year, annum, unit of measure equal to about 365 days or twelve months.
sesabes month, unit of measure equal to one-twelfth of a year.
sesabis hour, unit of measure equal to 60 minutes.
sesabos minute, unit of measure equal to 60 seconds.
sesabus second, unit of measure equal to one-sixtieth of a minute.
sesadros week, unit of measure equal to seven days.
seses knot.
sexlas ampere.
sezas dollar [unit of currency].
sezabus cent.
sis event, incident.
sidrasras truce, ceasefire.
sifras story, tale.
sifrabas myth, legend.
sifrabes novel, book-length fictional story.
sifraples opera.
sifraplebos operetta.
sifros crime [the event].
sifronrop commit a crime against.
sifrozos sin [the event].
sifrozonrop commit a sin against.
sigris play, stage play, theater piece.
sigrindak theatrical, thespian, histrionic.
sigufros accident.
sigufrobas catastrophe.
sigufrobes disaster.
sihas performance, show, production, presentation, engagement.
sihajros movie, motion picture, flick, film.
sihaslis memorial, commemoration.
sijros project, mission, operation.
simeples dance [eg.: waltz, polka, twist]
sinis adventure.
sipecis party, fun social gathering.
sipis date, rendezvous, assignation.
sipixis poem.
sipixizus prose.
siples music, musical performance.
siplebas symphony.
siplexis song, tune.
sipos game, match, contest, bout, competition, engagement.
sipobes tournament.
sipras funeral, burial.
sipraslis wake, funeral watch.
sipros task, assignment, job, chore, mission.
siprocis campaign, crusade, drive, undertaking, endeavor, series of planned activities with a specific goal.
siprojros convention, congress, conclave.
sipropos prank, trick, jest, joke, practical joke, monkeyshine, shenanigan.
siprovas composition, work, piece.
sises traffic [people and vehicle movement].
sisemes parade, procession.
sisetrus journey, voyage, excursion, trip, jaunt.
sislis history, chronicle, historical work or production.
sislos news, tidings.
sisos meal, repast.
sisobes feast, banquet.
sisobis dinner, main meal.
sisobos snack.
sisodes lunch, midday meal.
sisodras breakfast.
sisodres supper, evening meal.
sisoslus dessert.
sitas crisis, emergency.
sitazas recession.
sitazabes depression.
sites meeting, get together, parlay, powwow, session.
sitegras appointment, engagement, scheduled meeting.
sitres conflict, struggle, disaccord, contention.
sitros battle.
sitrobes war, armed conflict.
sitrobenrop wage war against, be at war with.
sitromlos siege, besiegement.
sitromlonrop siege, besiege, invest.
sives lesson, class, unit of teaching or learning.
sivebas curriculum, course of study.
sivebes course, school course.
sivebus saying, proverb.
sivedes analysis [instance of analyzing].
sivedras synthesis [instance of synthesizing].
siveflas research.
siveflatrus fieldwork.
sivefrus homework.
sivexis lecture, discourse, talk, disquisition.
sivezis propaganda, agitprop.
sixes ceremony.
sixipos joke, humorous words.
sixivis conference, council, conclave.
sixos work, composition, written or literary work.
sixocis literature, written works.
sizes trial, case, court or legal case.
sizetros court-martial, military trial/tribunal.
sizitros occupation [military].
sizitronrop occupy, keep possession of a country, etc.
sizos service, religious service.
sos step, measure, action, enumerable part of a performance.
sobus detail, particular.
socas score, tally, reckoning.
socafis surplus, excess, extra, spare(s).
socafris deficit.
socapros version, rendition, edition.
socaves grade, mark, rating.
socus summary, overview, outline, synopsis, capsule, survey.
socunzop summarize, recapitulate, sum up, boil down, recap, synopsize, capsulize.
sodras introduction (to a performance).
sofezas share (of stock).
sofoflas excuse, alibi.
sofris flaw, imperfection, fault, blemish.
sofrindak flawed, imperfect, defective, deficient, unsound.
sofros mistake, error, blunder.
sofruves intelligence, information from spying.
sofuzas interest, premium, money earned on savings.
soglas award, prize, reward.
sogris scene.
sogritis body, main part (of a performance).
sogus problem, puzzle.
sogubek mysterious, enigmatic.
sogubes mystery, enigma.
sogubendak mysterious, enigmatic.
sohak evidential.
sohas evidence, grounds.
soheges vowel.
sohegres consonant.
sojes feature, highlight.
sojis equation.
sojizus inequality [mathematical statement].
somes range, scope, compass, gamut, scale.
soples tune, melody.
soplebas movement [symphonic].
sopros resource(s), means, asset(s).
sosemos lap, circuit, round.
sosis solution, answer (to a problem).
sosinrep solve, figure out, work out.
soslis preface.
soslus conclusion, denouement, end (of a performance).
sosos course, dish (of a meal).
sotes subject, topic, issue, matter.
sovas role, part [in a story].
soves test, exam(ination), trial, quiz.
sovenrop test, give an exam or test to, test the knowledge or ability of.
sovos idea, notion.
soxes concept.
soxis word, lexeme, minimal free speech form.
soxibas paragraph, logical or functional group of sentences.
soxibes sentence [grammatical].
soxibis clause, verbal sentence component.
soxibos phrase.
soxibus morpheme, a minimal meaningful component of a word.
soxicis vocabulary, lexicon, word inventory or repertoire.
soxicos syllable.
soxifas article (e.g., definite, indefinite).
soxigetis semi-vowel (e.g., 'w', 'y').
soxigras adjective.
soxigris pronoun.
soxihes phoneme, smallest unit of recognizable speech.
soxijros adverb.
soxikros root [of a word].
soxiples stanza, verse.
soxipros verb.
soxisas noun.
soxislis preposition.
soxislus postposition.
soxites affix.
soxiteslis prefix.
soxiteslus suffix.
soxitis conjunction.
soxlis climax.
soxos chapter, major section of a book.
sozas funds, capital, money, finances.
sozandak monetary, financial.
sozacas account [financial].
sozafis profit.
sozafris loss, monetary loss, opposite of profit.
sozafrus income, earnings.
sozafus allowance, stipend.
sozagus bribe.
sozagunrop bribe.
sozapros wage(s), salary, remuneration, emolument.
sozasras rent [amount paid].
sozes penalty.
sozefris sentence, legal punishment.
sozefrinrop sentence.
sozezas fine, monetary penalty.
sozezanrop fine/give a fine to
sozis tax, levy.
sozinrop tax.
sozitrus customs, duty, import duty.
subak universal, all-embracing, all-inclusive, all-encompassing.
subuk trivial, trifling, immaterial.
sudrak peaceful, calm, serene, tranquil, harmonious, orderly.
sudrandas peace, harmony, tranquility, serenity, calm, order.
sufacik industrial, having to do with manufacturing production.
sufek justified/warranted/vindicated
sufendas right, prerogative, license, justification, vindication.
sufenzop justify, warrant, vindicate.
sufik productive, worthwhile, useful, advantageous, gainful, rewarding.
suflek peculiar, odd, strange, queer, curious.
sufok perfect, not deficient, not substandard, not below par, up to scratch.
sufonzop perfect, make perfect.
sufofak ethical, moral, virtuous, good.
sufofandas morality, ethics, virtuosity.
sugak free, at liberty, unconfined.
sugandas freedom, liberty.
suganzop free, release.
suganzwip escape from, free oneself.
sugik fair, just, equitable.
sugindas fairness, justice.
suglak opportune, timely, expedient, advantageous, favorable.
suglandas opportunity, chance.
sugrak formal, stylized, conventionalized, official.
sugrandes formality, convention, ritual.
sugrafok orderly, methodical, systematic, well-regulated.
sugrek private, exclusive.
sugrik lifelike, true to life, realistic, natural.
suguk secret, confidential, sub rosa, private.
sugus secret.
suhek pitched, having pitch or sound frequency.
suhendas pitch, sound frequency.
sujik abstract.
sujok easy.
sujrok complex, complicated, intricate, abstruse.
sujros complication.
sujrondas complexity, intricacy, abstruseness.
sujronzop complicate, perplex, confound, make complicated or complex.
sujropak automatic, self-acting, self-operating; i.e.,, happens or functions without outside intervention.
sujropanzop automate, make automatic.
sujrovik technical.
sujruk direct, straightforward, undeviating, unswerving.
sukrok serious, grave, weighty.
sunik varying, changing, unsteady, wavering, fluctuating, vacillating.
suplek melodic/melodious, harmonious.
supleslak rhythmic, cadenced, metrical.
supleslandas rhythm.
suplik pornographic.
suplis pornography
supok funny, humorous, comic, amusing.
suprak stagnating/at a standstill or impasse/doing or accomplishing nothing
suprap stagnate, vegetate, be at a standstill or impasse.
suprok laborious, arduous, toilsome, strenuous, backbreaking.
suprofak practical, pragmatic, realistic, doable, usable.
suprofok successful.
suprofondas success.
suprograk strict, stringent.
suprosek efficient.
suprosendas efficiency.
suprosendatep streamline, improve, add efficiency to.
suprosenzop improve, make efficient.
suprovek appropriate, apt, suitable, proper, fit(ting), apposite, right.
suprozik official, authoritative.
susak long-lasting, long-term, semi-permanent.
susek progressing/advancing/making headway/getting ahead
susep progress, advance, make headway, get ahead, gain ground.
susendas progress, advancement, headway.
susendes progress, advancement, headway.
susendos progress, advancement, headway.
susik wholesome, good, not obscene or indecent.
suslik basic, fundamental, rudimentary.
suslok timely, on time.
susluk thorough, exhaustive, comprehensive.
susrak temporary, interim, transient.
susrek dignified, solemn, sedate.
sutak dangerous, perilous, unsafe, hazardous, parlous.
sutandas danger, hazard, peril, jeopardy.
sutaflak risky, chancy, at risk.
sutaflandas risk, chance, hazard.
sutaflanzwip risk, gamble, try one's luck with/at, take a risk with/at.
sutaflanzwop risk/gamble something (P) on event (F).
sutek social, associational, communal.
sutrak safe, secure.
sutrandas safety, security, protectedness.
sutranvop protect, safeguard, keep safe, defend.
sutranvodes protection, safekeeping.
sutruk foreign, alien, from another place.
sutuk domestic, household, home.
suvak personal, individual, private.
suvek correct, accurate, right, proper.
suvik professional, authoritative, expert.
suxek creative, imaginative, innovative.
suxik grammatical, grammatically correct.
suxigik rhyming.
suxigip rhyme.
suxigis rhyme.
suxlek sudden, abrupt.
suxlik powerful, having power or authority.
suzak commercial, mercantile, business, trade, having to do with buying and selling.
suzabek inflational.
suzabendas inflation, rising prices.
suzek legal, in compliance with the law, opposite of illegal.
suzik sovereign, autonomous, self-governing, independent.
suzicik international, not local or domestic.
suzifrik anarchic, lawless, lacking government or control.
suzifrindes anarchy.
su'adrak disorderly, upset, chaotic, turbulent, tumultuous, frenzied.
su'afek unjustified, unwarranted, uncalled for.
su'afik unproductive, worthless, useless, pointless, waste of time, unrewarding.
su'afinvop waste, use or pass unproductively.
su'afok imperfect, deficient, substandard, below par, not up to scratch, not perfect.
su'afofak unethical, immoral, bad.
su'afofabak evil, wicked.
su'agak confined, pent-up, not free or at liberty.
su'agabok restricted/restrained/limited/confined
su'agabonzop restrict, restrain, limit, confine.
su'aglak inopportune, ill-timed, inexpedient, non-advantageous, unfavorable.
su'agrak informal, unofficial, not stylized or conventionalized.
su'agrafok chaotic.
su'agrek public, non-exclusive, open or available to the public.
su'agrik not lifelike, not true to life, unrealistic, unconvincing.
su'aguk public, overt, open, not private or secret.
su'agunzop publicize, make public, make known.
su'ajik concrete [not abstract].
su'ajok difficult, hard, troublesome.
su'ajondas difficulty, trouble.
su'ajrok simple, uncomplicated, uninvolved, plain.
su'ajronzop simplify, streamline, reduce, make simple or plain.
su'ajropak manual, non-automatic, not self-acting or self-operating; i.e., can only happen or function with outside intervention.
su'ajruk indirect, roundabout, devious/deviating, oblique, circuitous.
su'akrok silly, nonsensical, absurd, ridiculous, dumb, asinine.
su'anik constant, invariable, unvarying, unchanging, unwavering.
su'aplek cacophonous, discordant, dissonant, not melodic or harmonious.
su'apleslak arrhythmic, uncadenced, non-metrical.
su'apok deadpan, unfunny, not humorous, unamusing, poker-faced.
su'aprok easy, light, not toilsome or laborious.
su'aprofak impractical, unpragmatic, unrealistic, undoable, unusable.
su'aprofok unsuccessful, failed.
su'aprofop fail, be unsuccessful.
su'aprofondos failure, flop.
su'aprofonzop sabotage, make fail.
su'aprosek inefficient.
su'aprovek inappropriate, inapt, unsuitable/unsuited, improper, unfit(ting), not apposite, wrong.
su'aragrak permissive, lax, not strict.
su'asak short-term.
su'asek falling behind/losing ground/regressing/backsliding
su'asep fall behind, lose ground, regress, backslide.
su'asenzip retreat.
su'asik obscene, indecent, lewd, salacious, licentious.
su'aslik advanced, non-rudimentary.
su'asluk superficial, cursory, non-exhaustive, non-comprehensive.
su'asrak permanent, changeless, perpetual, everlasting, eternal.
su'ataflak risk-free, safe, not chancy or at risk.
su'atek reclusive, solitary, withdrawn, unsocial/unsociable, private, hermitic(al).
su'atrak unsafe, unsecure.
su'atruk local, nearby.
su'avek incorrect, mistaken, inaccurate, wrong.
su'avik nonprofessional, inexpert, lay.
su'axlek gradual, leisurely, easy, deliberate, gentle, slow.
su'axlik impotent, weak, powerless, ineffectual, having no power or authority.
su'axlindas impotence, weakness, powerlessness.
su'azabek deflational.
su'azabendas deflation, falling prices.
su'azek illegal, unlawful, illicit, against the law.
su'azik dependent, non-autonomous, not self-governing.
su'azicik domestic, local, not international [, civil (war)].