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R words

ras group [of people].
rabes populace/population, public, society.
rabis crowd, throng, mass.
racus organization, association, formally organized group.
rafros black market, gray market.
rafus media, press, communications industry.
ragres cartel.
ragris cast [of characters].
rahas audience, spectators, viewers and/or listeners.
rahyixlis phaser crew.
rajes electorate, those eligible to vote in an election.
rajezes jury.
rajros community, society, fellowship, a group having something in common.
rajrogres commune, communal settlement.
rajrus line(up), queue, file.
rakes mob, rabble.
rakis crew (of a ship).
rakos crew (of an airplane).
rapagras caste.
rapis club, circle, lodge.
rapifros gang.
rapikas sorority.
rapikras fraternity.
raples band, musical group.
raplebos choir, choral group.
raplos team [sports].
rapros team, crew, band, work group.
raprozis bureaucracy.
raryesus kingdom, monarchy.
rasos restaurant chain.
rasras coalition.
rasus administration, managing or governing body.
rasupros union, labor union, trade union.
rasuzis cabinet, ministry, privy council.
rasuzos clergy.
ratepis brotherhood, fellowship.
ratlos clan.
ratlobas race, ethnic group.
ratlobandak ethnic.
ratlobandas ethnicity.
ratlobes tribe.
ratlobos kinfolk, kinsmen, family, relatives, folks, extended family.
ratlobus family, household, immediate family.
ratos construction company.
ratoslis architecture.
ratros army.
ratrobas division [military], brigade.
ratrobes regiment.
ratrobis battalion.
ratrobos company [military].
ratrobus platoon.
ratrocis military, armed forces.
ratrokis navy, naval forces.
ratrokos air force, air corps.
ratrokobos squadron.
ratrokros infantry, foot soldiers.
ratropros squad.
ravefrus class, student group.
ravefus faculty, teaching staff.
raxis committee.
razas company, business, firm, concern, business establishment.
razabas business, industry, business class such as tourist industry or manufacturing industry.
razabes corporation, company, incorporated business firm.
razablos department (of a business).
razabos subsidiary, affiliate, branch.
razabus partnership.
razakis maritime shipping company.
razakos airline, passenger air company.
razazes law firm.
razes court.
razetos legislature, congress.
razetokos senate, upper house of congress.
razetokros house of representatives, lower house of congress.
razetros court-martial.
razis government (vs. state).*
razicis federation.
razicindak federal, associated with a federation.
razifros dictatorship [form of government].
razijes democracy, democratic government.
razitis republic.
razitres party, political party.
razizos theocracy.
razos church, religion.
razobas sect, denomination.
razobus congregation, parish.
res person, individual, someone, anyone, sentient being.
resaw gal, female person.
resay guy, fellow.
rengas who/whom, which person.
re{French}s Frenchman/woman/person.
re{John}sa John.
re{Mary}sa Mary.
rebak elderly, venerable, along in years.
rebas elder, senior, oldster, elderly person.
rebes adult, grown-up, mature person.
rebesaw woman.
rebesay man.
rebis adolescent, teenager.
rebles giant, colossus, titan.
reblos dwarf, midget, pygmy.
rebos child, youth, kid, young person.
rebosaw girl, young female.
rebosay boy, young male.
rebus baby, infant, newborn.
rebyises cowboy/cowgirl, cowhand, wrangler.
recas position, rank, office.
recus civilian, non-military person.
refas scientist.
refagros chemist, scientist in the field of chemistry.
refajis mathematician.
refapas biologist.
refaples musicologist.
refapus botanist.
refaslis historian.
refatis ecologist.
refatoslis archeologist.
refatrus astronomer.
refavas psychologist.
refavahas behaviorist.
refaxis linguist, specialist in the study of language.
refaxlis physicist.
refos good sort, good person, gem.
refosaw lady, good woman.
refosay gentleman, good guy, good man, good fellow.
refras character [in a story].
refris victim, prey, sufferer.
refrifros crime fighter, law enforcer.
refrikes fireman, fire fighter.
refros criminal, outlaw, lawbreaker, crook.
refrobos scoundrel.
refroflas suspect [as in a crime].
refukis bartender.
refusos waiter.
refuzas salesman.
regotus maid/maidservant.
regris actor, player.
regrus painter, one who paints for a living.
regus spy, secret agent.
rehas model, cover girl or guy.
rehajros photographer.
rejros technician.
rekes chef, cook.
rekis sailor.
rekos pilot, airman, aviator, flier.
rekyimros astronaut.
remekras barber.
remles forestry, tree husbandry.
remras miner, worker in a mine.
remus tailor, seamstress.
remyezas banker, moneylender.
renyajos baker.
repatras hero.
repes clown.
repis artist.
repixis poet.
reples musician.
replos athlete, sportsman.
replonis gymnast.
repos hobbyist, enthusiast.
repoves chessman/chess player.
repozas gambler.
repros laborer, manual laborer.
reprogas itinerant, itinerant worker.
repromles carpenter.
reproslas migrant, migrant worker.
reprozis official, functionary, officer.
reprozos cleric, clergyman, churchman.
repus gardener.
reses passenger.
resevis acrobat.
resis doctor, physician, MD.
resijros mechanic, one who repairs and maintains vehicles and other mechanical items.
resikis plumber.
resites nurse, medical assistant, one who cares for sick or injured people.
resizus patient, someone getting medical treatment.
resos farmer.
resus monarch, sovereign, potentate, crowned head.
resundak royal, regal, majestic.
resundas royalty, majesty.
resundasi royalty, royal people.
resubis prince.
resubok noble, having noble blood.
resubos nobleman, lord.
resubosi nobility, people of noble blood.
resubondas nobility, nobleness.
resudes monarch, king/queen.
resudras emperor/empress.
resudres duke/duchess.
resuplos coach [athletic], trainer.
resuzos minister, priest.
retas terrorist.
retes clerk.
retetus servant.
retizis ambassador.
retos engineer.
retoslis architect.
retras policeman, officer.
retrasi police (force), constabulary.
retres dissident, dissenter.
retrebas extremist, militant.
retrepros activist.
retretros guerrilla.
retros soldier, trooper, warrior, serviceman.
retrosi troops/soldiers
retrodes colonel.
retrodis captain [military rank].
retrodos sergeant.
retrodras general [military rank].
retrodres major [military rank].
retrodris lieutenant.
retrodros corporal.
retrodus private [military rank].
retrokis sailor, navy man.
retrokos airman, soldier in the air force.
retrosus officer [military].
retrosuflas cadet.
retrus foreigner.
retrucus mailman, postman, mail carrier.
retuses nomad.
retusras tenant, property renter.
retutrus colonist, settler.
retuzus refugee, displaced person.
reves scholar, academic.
revefrus student, pupil.
revefus teacher, instructor, educator.
revefubes professor, college or university teacher.
reveklos principal, headmaster.
revis pro/professional, authority, adept.
revibas expert, master, adept, pro.
revibis journeyman.
revibus novice.
revomles lumberjack, logger.
rexakes blacksmith.
rexegis translator, interpreter.
rexis operator, telephone operator.
rexicis polyglot.
rexitrus messenger.
rexlas electrician.
rexos author, writer.
rexoslos journalist, reporter.
rexros librarian.
rezas businessman/businesswoman, entrepreneur, man or woman of business.
rezabos merchant, storekeeper, shopkeeper, retailer, dealer.
rezafes capitalist.
rezaplas realtor, land broker, real estate agent/broker.
rezes lawyer.
rezejes judge, adjudicator.
rezetos representative, congressman.
rezetobes senator, representative in the upper house of congress.
rezetobos representative, member of the lower house of congress.
rezis politician/politico.
rezifes communist.
rezifros dictator.
rezigas liberal [believer in freedom and tolerance].
rezigras totalitarian.
rezislis conservative, right-winger, reactionary.
rezislus progressive, politically progressive person.
rezitrus diplomat, envoy, one who works in international relations.
rezlos wizard, witch, sorceror/sorceress.
rezlobos magician, illusionist.
rezos believer, churchgoer, religious person, member of a religion.
rezo{Christ}s Christian.
rezo{Islam}s Muslim.
rezo{Jew}s Jew.
ris profession, occupation, job, field, discipline, business, vocation, line of work.
rifas science.
rifandak scientific.
rifagros chemistry.
rifajis mathematics.
rifapas biology, the field/study/practice of biology.
rifaples musicology, the scientific field/study/practice of music.
rifaprus zoology.
rifapus botany.
rifaslis history [the field].
rifatis ecology.
rifatoslis archeology.
rifatros military science.
rifatrus astronomy.
rifavas psychology.
rifavahas behaviorism.
rifavevas logic, the science of correct thinking.
rifaxis linguistics, the field/study of language.
rifaxlis physics.
rifrikes fire fighting, the field/study/practice of fire fighting.
rifros crime [the activity].
rifrozos sin [the activity].
rigas liberalism [belief in freedom and tolerance].
rigras authoritarianism, totalitarianism.
rigris acting, show business.
rigus espionage, spying, intelligence.
rihas modeling [the profession].
rihajros photography.
rikros soccer, football.
rikromes football, American football.
rimras mining, excavation of ore.
ripis art.
ripixis poetry.
riples music, the field/study/practice of music.
riplos sport, sporting activity.
riplosu sports, athletics.
riplonis gymnastics.
ripos hobby, avocation, sideline, pastime, spare-time activity.
ripoves chess.
ripozas gambling.
ripromles carpentry.
ripus gardening.
risas career, long-term occupation.
risevis acrobatics.
risis medicine, the field/study/practice of medicine.
risikis plumbing, the field/study/practice of plumbing.
risites nursing.
risos farming, agriculture, the field/study/practice of raising crops.
ritas terrorism.
ritezos ministry, priesthood.
ritos engineering, the field/study/practice of engineering.
ritrepros activism.
ritros martial arts.
ritromlos boxing.
rivefus teaching, education, pedagogy, instruction, schooling, training.
rivomles logging (industry).
rixlemos baseball [the game].
rixos writing, authoring, the field/study/practice of writing.
rixondak literary.
rixoslos journalism, reporting.
rizas business, trade, commerce.
rizafes capitalism.
rizavis finance, money management.
rizavinrop finance.
rizes law, legal profession.
rizis politics.
rizindak political, having to do with politics.
rizifes communism.
rizislis conservativism [political].
rizislus progressivism.
rizitrus diplomacy.
rizlos magic, sorcery, thaumaturgy, witchcraft, wizardry.
rizloslus divination, augury, fortunetelling, predicting the future.
rizos religion, faith, system of religious belief.
rizondak spiritual, religious.
rizo{Christ}sa Christianity.
rizo{Islam}sa Islam.
rizo{Jew}sa Judaism.
rocis polygon.
rocikris polyhedron.
rocus dimension.
rodis quadrilateral, four-sided polygon.
rodigis square.
rodimrus rectangle.
rodos hexagon, six-sided polygon.
rodokris hexahedron.
rodres triangle.
rofis plus-sign.
rofris minus-sign.
rogres outline, contour, silhouette.
rojrus line [the shape].
rojrubus hyphen.
rojrudes row.
rojrudras column.
rojrudres tier, level.
rojrukros underline.
rojrukrontep underline.
rojus angle.
romas point, dot.
romes strip/stripe, band, strap.
romis sheet, flat shape.
romibes plane, flat level area.
romimos disc.
romimus slab.
romlimos spiral, curl.
romlos parenthesis[, bracketing symbol, typically used in pairs].
romlojus bracket, square parenthesis.
romlomas brace, curly parenthesis.
romlomos parenthesis, round parenthesis.
romok circular, round.
romos circle.
romokris sphere.
romokribis hemisphere, dome.
romokrimes cylinder.
romomrus ellipse.
romres stack, layering.
romrenzop stack (up), pile up.
romus radius.
romudes diameter.
ronis squiggle.
roples note, musical symbol.
rosas comma.
rosis caduceus, medical symbol.
roslus period, stop.
rotas exclamation point.
rovas signature, autograph.
rovantep sign, autograph, write one's signature on.
rovos cross, cruciform, cross-shaped object.
rovojus swastika.
roxes symbol, emblem, token, sign.
roxecas number, numeral, cipher.
roxecadras numeral, digit, cipher, a single numeric symbol.
roxis signal, sign, telltale, indicator.
roxinrop signal, give or send a signal to.
roxos letter (of the alphabet).
roxocis alphabet.
roxogas mark(ing), trace.
roxogantop erase; remove marks, markings.
roxyumoflas curve, arc, bow.
rubus particle, speck, grain, crumb.
rucus lump, gob, mass, accumulation.
rugras knot.
ruklos pile, heap, mound, bundle, bunch.
rumegragas ponytail.
rutras tattoo, skin art.