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V words

vacib be undecided, vacillate on/about, be of two minds, be indecisive.
vacig indecisive about, undecided, vacillating.
vacub feel like, have the feeling/sense of being.
vadrab agree with, be in agreement about.
vafab recognize, distinguish, make out, know what something is.
vafanzib identify, place.
vafanzob identify, place.
vafeg satisfied with, content.
vafendas satisfaction.
vafenmeb suffice, be satisfactory or adequate.
vafenmek satisfactory.
vafenvob satisfy.
vafenyob satisfy.
vafib breathe easy about, be relieved about, feel relief about.
vafindas relief, consolation, reassurance, peace of mind, solace.
vafinzyob hearten, relieve, reassure, console, put at ease, give solace or peace of mind to.
vaflab guess, conjecture, surmise.
vaflafog optimistic about.
vaflafrog pessimistic about.
vafob want, desire, wish.
vafofeb envy, covet, be envious of.
vafofeg envious/covetous of.
vafofek envious/covetous
vafofenkab be the envy of.
vafofrug jealous of, jaundiced.
vafogreb frustrated.
vafogrendas frustration.
vafoprob feel like, be in the mood to or for.
vafoprondas mood, morale, temper, humor, frame of mind, state of mind.
vafoslub intend to/on/that, plan to/on, figure to/on, aim to, mean to, have as an objective.
vafoslunkas intent/intention.
vafoslunmod deliberately, purposely, on purpose.
vafoveg curious about, quizzical, inquisitive.
vafozub pity, feel pity for.
vafozunmek piteous, pitiful, deserving or arousing pity.
vafreg modest about, shy, meek, unpretentious, not vain or boasting.
vafrib miss (yearn for, pine for).
vafrob worry about, be worried.
vafrobab agonize about, suffer, be in anguish about.
vafrobandas anguish, misery, extreme mental suffering.
vafrogreb relieved.
vafrogrendas relief.
vafrug tempted/tantalized/enticed by
vafrunkab tempt, entice, tantalize.
vafrunkak tempting/enticing/tantalizing
vafug generous with, selfless, munificent, magnanimous, big-hearted.
vagab wonder about, question.
vageg open-minded about, broad-minded, tolerant of.
vagig impartial about, unbiased, neutral, unprejudiced.
vaglag grateful for, thankful, obliged.
vagleg conceited about, vain/vainglorious, pretentious.
vagob forgive, pardon, excuse, be in a forgiving mental state.
vagrag preoccupied with, caught up in, absorbed in, wrapped up in.
vagrabag obsessed with, fixated on.
vagreg intent on/to, focused.
vagrenvib pay attention to, concentrate on, heed, give heed to.
vagrenvik attentive, heedful, mindful.
vagrenzob emphasize, stress, accentuate
vagrib prefer.
vagrinmes preference.
vagub dream about.
vahab wonder about/at, marvel, astonished.
vahak astonished
vahandas astonishment/wonder
vahanmes wonder/marvel
vahanvob astonish.
vajab love.
vajandas love.
vajeg for, in favor of, pro-.
vajefab feel that, view, take the attitude, be of the opinion that.
vajefanmes view, feeling, way of thinking, opinion.
vajrug calm about, relaxed, tranquil, unperturbed, composed, collected.
vakeg angry about/at/that, irate, furious, incensed, indignant, infuriated, mad, upset.
vakendas anger, wrath, ire, choler.
vakenzyob anger, infuriate, incense, upset, madden, make angry.
vakeprob resent, take offense at, take amiss, take umbrage, be offended by, be indignant about.
vakeprok indignant, resentful, offended.
vakeprondas resentment, umbrage, dudgeon.
vakepronzob offend, give offense, give umbrage, cause resentment.
vakepronzyob offend, give offense, give umbrage, cause resentment.
vakob respect, esteem, admire, hold in high regard, think well or highly of.
vakobab adore, worship, idolize, exalt, stand in awe of.
vakobeb admire, revere, honor, venerate, look up to, hold a high opinion of.
vakrig firm about, resolute, determined, staunch, unyielding, serious, earnest, pertinacious.
vakribeg stubborn about, obstinate, adamant, pertinacious, willful, headstrong, thickheaded, pigheaded, dogged, etc.
vakrokog emotional about, have strong feelings about.
vamlozag selfish about.
vanog anxious about, nervous, on edge, edgy, jittery, tense.
vanopeg excited about, thrilled.
vanopendes excitement, thrill.
vanopenmek exciting, thrilling.
vapag upbeat about, be in a good mood or temper about.
vapeg happy about, glad, joyful.
vapebeb rejoice about, be elated about, feel great joy.
vapebeg elated about, joyful.
vapib like, enjoy, delight in, relish, be fond of{, NOT be pleased with}.
vapindas enjoyment{, NOT pleasure}, delight, relish.
vapifrig lonely/lonesome for.
vapisrab be pleased with.
vapisrak pleased, delighted, appreciative.
vapisrandak pleased, delighted, appreciative.
vapisrandas pleasure.
vapisrankab please, give pleasure to, be enjoyable to, be to one's liking.
vapisrankak pleasing, delightful, enjoyable, likable, pleasant.
vapiteb enjoy the company/presence of.
vaplib lust after/for, feel sexual attraction to/for.
vaplindas lust, desire [sexual], concupiscence.
vapob have fun with/doing, enjoy.
vapondes fun, amusement, good or high time, having fun.
vaponmob have fun/enjoy oneself/have a good time
vapreb mourn, grieve, lament.
vaprek grief-stricken, mournful, sorrowful, sorrow-stricken, aggrieved.
vaprendas grief.
vaprenmek tragic, grievous, sad, sorrowful.
vaprob consent to, agree to, be willing to.
vaprobeg ambitious about/to.
vaprofag sensible about, reasonable, rational, levelheaded, judicious, logical, realistic, practical.
vaprofandas common sense, rationality, reason, logic, sense, sensibleness, reasonableness, level-headedness.
vaprofog proud of, prideful.
vaprofondas pride.
vasig eager to/for, anxious, keen (about), enthusiastic, avid.
vaslib remember, have in one's mind.
vaslindas memory, remembrance.
vaslinmes memory, remembrance.
vaslinzab recall, recollect, come to have in one's mind.
vaslinzob remind (about), cause to remember/recall.
vaslifrob regret, deplore, be or feel sorry for.
vaslifrondas regret.
vaslub hope for/that, wish.
vaslufog gratified about/with, pleased, glad, delighted, thrilled.
vasreg patient about.
vatab fear, be afraid of.
vatag afraid of, scared, frightened, fearful, fear-struck.
vatandas fear, dread.
vatandos fright.
vatanmek scary, frightful, frightening.
vatanyob frighten, scare.
vatanzyob frighten, scare.
vatabag terrified of, in terror.
vatabandas terror, dread.
vatabanyob terrify, petrify, scare stiff, strike terror into.
vataflag paranoid about.
vatagug depressed about, dejected.
vatagunzyob depress, cause to be depressed or dejected.
vataxleb panic.
vateg interested in, fascinated by, attracted to, having an interest in, finding interesting or fascinating.
vatendas interest, fascination.
vatenkab interest, attract, fascinate, entice, appeal to.
vatenkak interesting.
vatefrig concerned about/by, anxious, troubled.
vatib sympathize with/about, share another person's emotions.
vatig sympathetic about.
vatindas sympathy.
vatlob trust (in), have confidence or faith in, believe in.
vatrab care about, be concerned for.
vatrak caring/concerned
vatrandas care/concern
vatreg annoyed about, irritated, bothered.
vatrenkab annoy, irritate, bother.
vatrenkak pesky, annoying, irritating, bothersome.
vatrenkas nuisance, annoyance, irritation, bother.
vatrog hostile to(ward), inimical.
vavab think about, cogitate, consider, deliberate, take under consideration, give thought to, ponder, contemplate, reflect on/about.
vavazub feel, emote.
vavazundas feeling, emotion.
vaveb know (about), realize.
vavek knowing, cognizant, aware, in the know.
vavendas knowledge.
vavenmes fact, datum, information, unit of information or knowledge.
vavenmesi information/facts/data
vavenvib keep track of, keep up on, keep abreast of, monitor, keep oneself up-to-date about.
vavenvob keep current/up-to-date on.
vavenzab learn (about), find out, come to know, discover, realize.
vavenzib find out about, determine, ascertain, learn, check (out).
vavenzob inform (about/of), make aware of, enlighten.
vavebab know by heart, know letter-perfect, have memorized, know perfectly and completely.
vavebanzib memorize, commit to memory, learn by heart, fix in the mind.
vavebeb understand, comprehend, fathom, follow, grasp, apprehend.
vavebog familiar with, conversant, acquainted.
vavebonkag familiar (to)
vavebonkaz familiar (to)
vavebonzob introduce, cause to become familiar with.
vavig confident about/that, assured, secure, sure (of oneself).
vavindas confidence.
vaxeb imagine, visualize, picture, fancy, see in one's mind.
vaxenog confused about/by, bewildered, mixed-up, flustered.
vaxleg surprised about/by, shocked, startled.
vaxlendas (feeling of) surprise/shock
vaxlendos surprise/surprising event or thing
vaxlenzyob surprise, shock, startle.
vaxlenzyok surprising/startling/shocking
vaxlebeg amazed about/by, astonished, astounded.
vaxlebenvob amaze about/by, astonish.
vazogag agnostic about.
va'adrab disagree, differ, feel differently about, have a different opinion about.
va'afeg dissatisfied with/about, discontented, unsatisfied, unhappy.
va'afendas dissatisfaction.
va'afenmek unsatisfactory.
va'afenyob dissatisfy, discontent.
va'afrog disgusted with, revolted by.
va'afronyob disgust, revolt, repel.
va'afug greedy about/for, acquisitive, avaricious, grasping.
va'ageg narrow-minded about, hidebound.
va'agig biased about/on, partial, prejudiced.
va'agreg absent-minded, distracted.
va'ahag small-minded about, petty.
va'ajab hate, detest, loathe, abhor, abominate.
va'ajandas hatred, detestation, loathing, abhorrence.
va'ajanmedak loathsome, detestable, abhorrent, hateful.
va'ajeg against, opposed to, anti-.
va'ajenvib oppose, go against, run counter to, cross, counter, act in opposition to.
va'ajrug upset about, riled, perturbed, disturbed, agitated.
va'akob disdain, scorn, disrespect, feel contempt for, hold in contempt, be contemptuous of, look down upon, show disrespect for.
va'akog contemptuous of, scornful, disrespectful, disdainful.
va'apag hot-tempered about, irritable, irascible, ornery, cantankerous, be in a bad mood or temper about.
va'apeg sad about, unhappy.
va'apebag miserable about.
va'apebeb despair over.
va'apib dislike.
va'apibab despise, cannot stand.
va'apibeb deplore, strongly dislike.
va'apisrab be displeased with.
va'apiteb miss, miss the company/presence of.
va'aprob mind, balk at, object to.
va'aprofog ashamed of, shamed about, feeling guilty.
va'aprofondas shame, guilt, guilty feeling.
va'asig reluctant to.
va'aslufog disappointed with.
va'aslufonzyob disappoint, let down, dash the hopes of.
va'asreg impatient with.
va'ateb find boring/dull.
va'ateg bored with/by.
va'atenkab be boring to.
va'atenkak boring, dull, uninteresting.
va'atenvob to bore with.
va'atenyob to bore.
va'atib callous toward.
va'atlob distrust, mistrust, feel no trust in, be suspicious about.
va'atrak uncaring, unconcerned, indifferent.
va'atrandas indifference, unconcern.
va'aveg unaware of, ignorant.
va'avenzab forget, disremember.
veb perceive, sense, detect, feel.
vendas perception (of something outside the body).
venzab notice, become aware of perceptually.
vehab see, behold, witness, perceive with the eye(s).
vehanmeb be in view.
vehanvib watch, observe, regard, view, look at.
vehanvob show, display, exhibit, demonstrate, manifest, evince, expose.
vehanzab notice, catch sight of, detect, spot.
vehanzameb appear, come in(to) view/sight, show (up), become visible.
vehanzib take a look at, glance.
veheb hear, perceive with the ears.
vehenvib listen to, heed, give ear to.
vehib smell, sense with the nose.
vehob taste, sense with the tongue's taste buds.
vehub touch, feel.
vekeb feel heat, sense heat.
vekreb feel cold (outside the body), sense cold.
vetag allergic to.
ve'ub sense, feel (in the body).
ve'undas sensation, feeling, sense (in the body).
ve'ufop feel pleasure.
ve'ufrok painful, sore, aching, hurting, in pain.
ve'ufrop hurt, ache, smart, be sore or painful, experience pain.
ve'ufrondas pain, ache.
ve'ufronvop cause to hurt, ache, smart, be sore or painful, experience pain.
ve'ufrobep feel or experience agony, extreme pain.
ve'ufrobendas agony, extreme pain.
ve'ufukip have the urge to urinate, have to piss.
ve'ufukrip have the urge to defecate, have to shit.
ve'ufusop have the urge to vomit, feel like one is going to vomit.
ve'uguk sleepy.
ve'ukik thirsty.
ve'ukindas thirst.
ve'ukinwag thirsty for.
ve'uplip have an orgasm.
ve'uplindos orgasm.
ve'usok hungry.
ve'usop hunger, be hungry.
ve'usonwag hungry for.
ve'usonwap hunger for, be hungry for.
ve'utrap itch.
vib have something to do with, be involved with, have an unspecified association or relationship with.
vig of, about, for, referring to, having (something) to do with.
vik associated, corresponding, related.
viz something about, something to do with, the thing or one about.
vindas relationship, involvement, association, relations, ties.
vindaz relationship between
vinmodas condition, state, situation, circumstance(s).
vinpek mutual, reciprocal, correlative.
vinvib stick with, keep oneself associated/involved with, maintain or continue one's relationship with.
vinyib persevere, remain steadfast.
vinyik steadfast, persevering.
vinzab come to have something to do with, become involved (with), come into/by.
vinzib take (on), get oneself involved with, adopt, cause oneself to become associated/involved (with).
vidrag compatible with, in accordance with, under.
vifag being by nature, being inherently, being characteristically, having the nature, quality, features, or characteristics of.
vifak inherent, characteristic, built-in, by nature.
vifandas nature, character, gist, essence, quintessence, quiddity, inherent or essential quality.
vifangab What is a ...?.
vifangak what kind of [interrogative adjective], being what by nature.
vifanmes characteristic, attribute, quality, property, trait, feature.
vifog lucky with/at, fortunate.
vifondas luck, good fortune.
vigrib resemble, be like or similar to, have the appearance of being.
vigrig like, similar to, analogous, comparable.
vigrik similar, alike.
vigrindas similarity, likeness.
vigrinjed like, similar to.
vigrinjekaz how, way, the, the manner in which.
vigrinmob Similarly, ..., Likewise, ..., In like manner, ....
vigrinpeg similar, alike.
vigrinvomob approximate, cause something known from context to be similar to focus.
vigrinwib imitate, emulate, copy, cause oneself to be similar to.
vigribab be identical to
vigribag identical to, similar in every way.
vigribak identical to, similar in every way.
vihab resemble, look (like), appear, seem.
vihag resembling/looking like
vihanpes lookalike, that which resembles another.
viheb sound like, have a sound similar to.
viheg sounding like/having a sound similar to
vihib smell like, have a smell or odor similar to.
vihig smelling like.
vihindas smell, odor, scent.
vihob taste like, have the flavor of.
vihog tasting like.
vihok flavored, sapid, having flavor.
vihondas flavor, taste.
vikrig sensitive to, responsive, receptive.
visid in case of, in the eventuality of/that.
visig ready to/for, fit, prepared.
visinzib get (oneself) ready to/for, prepare (oneself), ready oneself.
visinzob prepare to/for, make/get ready/fit.
vitig relevant to, pertinent, germane, apropos.
vi'ab have nothing to do with, be uninvolved with, have no relationship to/with.
vi'ag having nothing to do with, uninvolved with, unassociated.
vi'ak unrelated, uninvolved, unassociated, having nothing to do with a person, thing, or event.
vi'anzib quit, break off/away from, give up on, abandon, have done with, leave, cause oneself to become uninvolved with.
vi'adrag incompatible with, not in accordance with.
vi'afog unlucky with/at, unfortunate.
vi'afondas misfortune, ill fortune, bad or hard or tough luck.
vi'agrib differ from, vary, deviate, diverge, stand apart, be different than.
vi'agrig unlike, different from, dissimilar to.
vi'agrinpeb differ/be different from each other
vi'akrig insensitive to, unresponsive, unreceptive.
vi'asig unprepared to/for, not ready, unfit.
vi'atig irrelevant to, beside the point, unrelated.
vofruk elastic, stretchable.
vofrundas elasticity, stretchableness.
vograk tight, fixed, secure, snug, fast, set.
vograndas tightness, snugness.
vogranwag tight, fixed, secure, snug, fast, set.
vohak bright, brilliant, vivid, dazzling, shining brightly.
vohandas brightness, brilliance, vividness.
vohek loud [in sound volume], sonorous.
vohendas loudness, volume, sonority.
vojuk steep, precipitous, sheer, bluff.
vokek hot, of relatively high temperature.
vokendas heat, warmth.
vokenwakaz temperature of.
vokenzap heat (up), rise in temperature.
vokenzop heat (up)/raise the temperature of
vokebak scorching, torrid, blistering, scalding, extremely hot.
vokebok warm, not that hot.
vokebuk lukewarm, tepid, barely hot.
vokik humid, dank, muggy, sticky.
vokindas humidity, dankness, mugginess.
vokok high, elevated, lofty, having great altitude.
vokonwakaz height, altitude.
vokrik hard, firm, inelastic, unyielding to pressure or cutting.
vokrindas hardness, firmness.
vokrok heavy, weighty, leaden.
vokronrep weigh, measure the weight of.
vokronwap weigh, have weight equal to.
vokronwakaz weight of, heft.
vomek long [spatial], lengthy.
vomendas length.
vomenrep measure/determine the (spatial) length of.
vomenwakaz length of [spatial].
vomekrik rigid, stiff, inflexible.
vomekrindas rigidity, stiffness.
vomik extensive, sizable, vast, large, big, considerable [in area].
vomlok capacious, voluminous, roomy, commodious, spacious [in volume].
vomlonwap hold, have a volume/capacity of.
vomlonwakaz volume of, capacity, spaciousness.
vomlocik dense, compact.
vomlocindas density, compactness.
vomlocinwakaz density of.
vomog having mass of.
vomonwap mass, have a mass of.
vomonwakaz mass of.
vomrak deep, having great vertical depth.
vomranwakaz depth of.
vomrek tall, high, having great vertical length.
vomrenwakaz height of.
vomuk thick, wide, broad.
vomundas thickness, width, breadth.
vomunwakaz thickness of, width, breadth.
vosak long [temporal], lengthy, protracted, prolonged, long-lasting.
vosanrep time, measure the duration of.
vosanwad for (a period/duration of), lasting.
vosanwap last [temporal], go on, take, have a duration of.
vosanwakaz duration of, length [temporal], term, time/timing.
vosek fast, quick, rapid.
vosendas rapidity, celerity, speed.
vosenwakaz speed of, velocity.
vosedek accelerating, gaining speed.
vosedendas acceleration.
vosedenzop accelerate, cause to gain speed.
voslik early, premature, too soon.
vosrek old, aged, antiquated. [that has continued for a long time; an interval reference.]
vosrenwakaz age of.
vosrebak ancient, primeval, primordial.
votruk far (off), distant, remote, faraway.
votrundas remoteness, distance, separation.
votrunwakaz distance to.
vozak expensive, costly, high-priced, dear.
vozandas expense, costliness.
vozanwap cost, sell for, have a price equal to.
vozanwakaz price of, cost.
vo'afruk inelastic, unstretchable.
vo'agrak loose, insecure, slack, not fixed firmly in position.
vo'ahak dim, not bright.
vo'ahek low [in sound volume], quiet, faint, soft.
vo'ajuk shallow, not steep, shallowly sloped, at a small angle.
vo'akek cold, of relatively low temperature.
vo'akebok cool, not that cold.
vo'akik arid, dry.
vo'akok low, not high or elevated, having small altitude.
vo'akrik soft, yielding, not firm.
vo'akrok light, low in weight.
vo'amek short [spatial], not long.
vo'amenzwop abbreviate, make short(er).
vo'amekrik flexible, pliable, pliant.
vo'amik small, inconsiderable [in area].
vo'amlok small, little, puny, low-volume [spatial], not spacious.
vo'amlocik tenuous, thin, rarified, wispy.
vo'amrak shallow, not deep.
vo'amrek short [in height].
vo'amuk thin, narrow, slim.
vo'asak short [temporal], brief.
vo'asanzwok abbreviate, make short(er).
vo'asek slow, leisurely, languid.
vo'aslik late, belated, tardy, not early or on time.
vo'aslinzop delay, postpone.
vo'asrek young, low in age.
vo'asrendak youthful, looking or seeming young.
vo'atruk near, close.
vo'azak inexpensive, low-cost, cheap, frugal.
vubak huge, immense, gigantic.
vubek big, large, having great size.
vubendas size, magnitude, extent, largeness.
vucik plentiful, abundant, copious, ample, plenteous, galore.
vucuk general, nonspecific.
vudrak gentle, tender, delicate, not harsh or severe.
vufok good, desirable, nice, fine, positive, opposite of bad.
vufobak excellent, wonderful, magnificent, superb, extraordinary, exquisite, extremely good.
vufobek great, remarkable, splendid.
vufobok so-so, not too bad, moderately good.
vufoslok fresh, not stale.
vugas foam.
vugak foamy.
vuhak lit (up), illuminated, light, alight.
vuhanvop light (up), illuminate.
vuhifok fragrant, aromatic.
vuhifrok rotten, putrid, spoiled, (gone) bad.
vuhifronzap rot, spoil, go bad, putrefy.
vuhok tasty, delicious, savory, good-tasting, toothsome, palatable.
vuhofok savory, seasoned.
vuhovok bitter.
vuhuk rough, uneven, bumpy, unsmooth, coarse.
vujak attractive, good-looking.
vujabak gorgeous, stunning, ravishing.
vujabek beautiful, handsome, lovely.
vujabik cute, pretty.
vujok common/commonplace, usual, regular, prevalent.
vujocik typical, average, indicative.
vujofok normal, unexceptional.
vujrok fancy, ornate.
vujroglek ostentatious, pretentious, showy.
vukik wet.
vukinzop wet, cause to become wet.
vukibok damp, moist.
vuklok highest-quality, superior, select, top-notch, preeminent, first-rate, first-class, crack.
vuklondas superiority, preeminence, excellence.
vumok fat, plump, obese.
vumuk fashionable, stylish, chic, modish, vogue, a la mode, in fashion.
vumundas fashion, style, vogue, mode.
vupek nice, pleasant, sweet.
vupik friendly, amiable/amicable, congenial, agreeable, pleasant.
vupicik popular, well-liked.
vuplak pristine, untouched, wild, virgin, natural, unsullied, undeveloped, native, in its natural state.
vuprofok well-bred, genteel, cultured/cultivated, refined, polished.
vuprojok convenient, handy.
vusek slippery, slick.
vusefok elegant, graceful.
vusik available, on hand, accessible.
vuslok new, recent.
vusofok tender, easily chewed.
vusosik ripe/ripened, ready to eat or harvest.
vusrek thick, viscous, viscid.
vuvek wise, sage/sagacious.
vuvok sharp, keen, edged for cutting.
vuxik talkative, garrulous, loquacious, verbose.
vuxifok eloquent, silver-tongued, well-spoken, articulate.
vuxipik charming, winning, engaging, enchanting.
vuxlik strong, mighty, powerful, having great physical strength.
vuxlindas strength, might.
vuzak wealthy, rich, affluent, moneyed, well-to-do, prosperous.
vuzandas wealth, affluence, prosperity.
vuzanwames fortune, net worth, worth, assets, means.
vuzaflak credit-worthy.
vuzaflandas credit [financial].
vuzok holy, sacred, sacrosanct.
vu'abak tiny, miniscule.
vu'abek small, little, having minimal size.
vu'acik rare, scarce.
vu'acuk detailed, specific, minute, full, meticulous.
vu'adrak rough, harsh, severe, not gentle.
vu'afok bad, lousy, execrable, undesirable, opposite of good.
vu'afobak atrocious, dreadful, abominable, execrable, deplorable, monstrous, outrageous.
vu'afobek terrible, awful, nasty.
vu'afoslok stale, not fresh.
vu'ahak dark, unlit.
vu'ahifok stinky, smelly, fetid, rank, malodorous, odorous.
vu'ahifop stink, smell (bad), reek.
vu'ahok unappetizing, foul-tasting, unpalatable, unsavory.
vu'ahofok bland, tasteless.
vu'ahovok sour.
vu'ahuk smooth.
vu'ajak unattractive, bad-looking.
vu'ajabak hideous.
vu'ajabek ugly.
vu'ajabik plain, homely.
vu'ajok uncommon, unusual, irregular.
vu'ajocik untypical, non-representative.
vu'ajofok abnormal, not normal, aberrant, anomalous.
vu'ajrok drab, plain, dull, insipid.
vu'akik dry, not wet.
vu'akibek parched, desiccated, very dry.
vu'aklok inferior, low-quality, rotten, lousy, poor, second-rate, low-grade, low-class.
vu'amok slim, skinny, scrawny.
vu'amuk unfashionable, unstylish, not in fashion.
vu'apek unpleasant, disagreeable.
vu'apik unfriendly, cold, frosty, hostile, inimical, unamicable, uncompanionable, uncordial, unsociable.
vu'apicik unpopular, out of favor.
vu'aplak developed, no longer pristine, modified from its natural state to a state suitable for man's needs.
vu'aprofok uncouth, earthy, crass, crude, coarse, not well-bred.
vu'aprojok inconvenient, incommodious.
vu'aprojondas inconvenience, hassle, trouble.
vu'asek sticky, tacky, gluey, gummy.
vu'asefok inelegant, graceless.
vu'asik unavailable, inaccessible.
vu'aslok old, not recent. [that happened long ago; a point reference.]
vu'asofok chewy, tough.
vu'asosik unripe, raw, green, not ready to eat or harvest.
vu'asrek runny, watery, liquidy.
vu'avek foolish, unwise, imprudent, asinine, senseless, witless, dumb.
vu'aves fool, dolt, ninny, nincompoop, nitwit, foolish person.
vu'avok dull, blunt, unsharp, unedged.
vu'axik quiet, reticent, taciturn, indisposed to talk much.
vu'axifok ineloquent, inarticulate.
vu'axipik offensive, off-putting, unpleasant, objectionable, disagreeable.
vu'axlik weak, feeble, lacking strength.
vu'azak poor, needy, poverty-stricken.
vu'azaflak having bad-credit, not credit-worthy.
vu'azok unholy, profane.