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sentences, lesson 16

  Why did you throw your fork to me yesterday?
Tutramuf zonjugad yasas ne'emos yasek zonjod yaras
yasud sepac?

   The thing about the recipe reminded me about our
Vapenzwib viz savos yaras saklisi yarstek.

   How did that boulder get here?
Wonzwab tunjegad kilibes yastik yaros?

   The stranger just caught nine of the dull knives.
Ye'abun tutrazuf wa'uzus zifunxwaz zok ne'ewasi vu'awak.

   I don't understand your believing that the scientists
     are alive.
Yozun yen vaxebeb yaras yobandoz yasas yen xerip

   That blue thing above the table is almost certainly a
Yoben yen kulop kis xalok yastek wolog notas.

   The businessman manipulated something in the toilet
     with a crooked stick.
Tumof rezas zos womug hugos tonjed kumes xu'akrok

   You could have pulled the chair to the hallway after
     the meal.
Yun tugruf yasas nokris wonzwad matis ye'od sivos.

   The slow train hit the bridge crossing the canal.
Tuwof hemyucis vo'aqek mutis womog mutilis.

   I explained to the sailors some things about the stove.
Taxem yaras rehyelisi vizi zok hulavos.

   The parents brought nothing to the bus station for the
Tuqetef wanusi zozus wonzwad mehyecas zonjid

   The sons may imitate their fathers later during the
Yon vikrenxweb wapasi wanazi rupas yatud yed sis.

   I reached out for the medicine behind my broken glasses.
Temonxwep yaras lavis wopog ne'ajas xu'avik yarek.

   The ones having to do with the seated people are there
     on the floor.
Yen yastop vizi resi xekrik wonid pimis.

   All the siblings of the mechanic were sick but the
     doctor healed them.
Xe'avip wamusi zibak zok zag reviklos zekir
xevinzip revis rumus.

   My daughter wanted to teach a profession like farming
     or plumbing.
Vagrab wapiz yaras texegronxwegep ris zok vikreg
rires zekrar rilis.

   I saw too many ordinary movies at this movie theater.
Vejab yaras sijaklos xu'akik zigrik zok wod
mejaklos yarik.

   The fireman told us something about fire fighting and
Tam regolas yarstas viz zok rigolasu zer

   John threw some pebbles at the farm building.
Tutramuf re{John}sa kilibosi zok wonzwad mes zag

   The hobbyists didn't want to hear your foolish opinions.
Yozun vagrab resisi vejengeb yobendosi vu'axek

   I thought that the least strong bear was in its lair
Yobeb yaras womub beves vuwuk zubuc kuturas
ruves yasud.

   The farmer's child is awake waiting next to that open
Yen xe'akip wapuz reres tezud wo'abud pijas
xuhok yastik.

   Your sister thanked me for something having to do with
     the museum.
Tahem wamiz yasas yaras viz zok mejas.

   The auditorium was closed because the entire faculty
     was inside.
Xu'ahop mabas zonjud womunmub raxegros xubak.

   The unfriendly student was carrying the skull of his
     big dead dog.
Ye'ahon tuqef rexegrus vu'asek kuxas zag beses xe'arik
vucak rugruk.

   My tooth is loose because Mary hit it with a rock.
Yen vo'agup kuvos yarek zonjud tuwof re{Mary}sa ruvos
tunjed kiles zok.

   The buyers didn't believe the things about your lamps.
Yozun yobab wezasi vizi hujasi yasek.

   Mary hugged John because he gave her some expensive
Tusemof re{Mary}sa re{John}sa zonjud zanzwib ru{John}s
ru{Mary}s kukasi vozak zok.

   The washing machine doesn't work because something in
     it isn't tight.
Yozun yen xuvip hukeples zonjud yozun yen vogup
zos womug rulis.

   These are the bones of the bird that built the nest in
     the garage.
Yen wukrab yarisi kulesi zag cas zag tutof
rucyas kutulos womug maqes.

   The engineer's hobby is linguistics and it has
     something to do with languages.
Yen wukrab risis zag retos rigayas zer vib
ruyas sayasu.