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sentences, lesson 15
- From: MorphemeAddict@hidden.email
- Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2006 19:35:31 EDT
- Subject: sentences, lesson 15
- To: saweli@yahoogroups.com
The vehicle beside the red car is a hearse.
Yen herop hes wokrag heqes xawek.
All of the medicine tasted like coffee.
Vijob zidenxwaz zok lavis la{coffee}su.
The assistant told me about five specific locations.
Tam wa'us yaras kes zifanxwak zok.
I wanted to be a member of the army rather than the
Vagrab yaras wa'ungeb rawik wukreg rawilis.
The adults are in the dining room discussing the
Yen womub rebesi mavos tanped siros.
John crawled under the truck before he was murdered.
Temip re{John}sa wo'alonzwad hetas ye'ad turonlaf
The two submarines were side-by-side in the water.
Wokranpeb helimis zidik womud jalis.
I'm eager to exchange the wooden desk for the tame owl.
Yen vavib yaras wengev noxes jemek zonjed cajas.
Our healthy friends definitely made each other sick.
Yoban xe'avinzipep wa'usezi xevik yarstek.
Several of the wild pigeons are in the attic.
Yen womub zibinxwaz zok catusi xenok malos.
The antique thermometer weighs less than fifty grams
with this scale.
Yen vonxwap nelas nuqik semis zifadak zuboc
zok tunjed nemis yarik.
You persuaded me that the air force pilot did something
Yobanzwib yasas yaras tunxwef relos rawilok zos xutak.
None of the grief-stricken swimmers have black hair.
Yen zanxwab zidanxwaz zok telisi varok jenesu
I don't sympathize with those angry employees of the
Yozun yen vatib yaras wa'utazi valak yastik ralos.
One library shelf supported the seven encyclopedias.
Womid nomis zidek zok vig meyecis nuxebas
My talkative associates fell asleep on the sofa after
they fought.
Xekinzap wa'ucusi vuyak yarek wonid nones ye'od
tewip rucus.
I cut the meat with these very sharp scissors.
Tuwaf yaras jeras tunjed ne'ewadis vuwak zubec yarik.
My dead acquaintance worked for the train station
across from the army base.
wa'utab wa'uxes xe'arik yarek memyucis wohog mewis rawik.
The brothers are selling books in front of each other's
Yen we'azav wamasi nuyosu wo'apod metosi zag zonpes.
I lifted the heavy tools and dropped them along the
Tulof yaras ne'esi vomik zer tumingef runye'es woned
Did the immature bears wake up before the mature ones?
Yongan xe'akinzap bevesi xe'arek ye'ad xeresi?
You'll be seeing me among the thirty-eight biologists.
Ye'ohon vejab yasas yaras wocid regaris zidofok.
There was a lot of dry blood on the street that crosses
the canal.
Xugap jewes vu'alik zibek zok wonid munebos zag yen
womob rubos mutilis.
I'm not drinking milk because it'll put me to sleep.
Yuzon yen tevolinxwep yaras jerisu zonjud ye'on
xekinzap ruris yaras.
The boss and his subordinate will substitute for each
other tomorrow.
Wukrenzipeb wa'ucubes zer wa'ucubos rubek yatud sepac.
My co-workers are telling me that the weapons are
slightly heavy.
Yen tam wa'ucubisi yarek yaras yen vomip zoboc
The linguist and the painter are two of the more
generous donors.
Yen zidinxwap regayas zer rekas we'agrasi
vagrozak zubec.
Why is there salt on the ground between the hospital
and the bridge?
Yen xugap zonjugad lakesu wonid kemis wotig
mevibas zer mutis?
The young soldiers spent the eighty days in the forest
killing enemies.
Yenxweb rewisi vo'aqik sepas zifodak womud kemes
xe'arinzid wa'usezusu.
Do you see that wall holding up the colorful painting?
Yongan yen vejab yasas pimes yastik womig nukas xacik?
The soldier was kneeling near that door while I was
Ye'ahon xe'akrip rewis wo'abod piqes yastik yed ye'ahon
teyop yaras.
Why do you want to be buried at a specific cemetery?
Yen vagrab zonjugad yasas xuminzigep wod murocis
zidenxwap zok?
The firemen didn't like the contract because their
labor union's representative was hostile to them.
Yozun vaseb regolasi dunjami zonjud vawib
wa'utiz rawa'yotas rulak rulas.