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color words; electromagnetic spectrum words

I have changed the color words back to match the L forms.  

xafak orange [the color].
xafalak brown.
xalak black.
xalalek gray, blackish-white.
xalek white.
xanak yellow.
xanok blue [the color].
xanotecok turquoise [the color].
xatek green.
xaxok red, incarnadine.
xaxolek pink, reddish white.
xaxozek magenta.
xazek purple.

I have changed the modifiers in the words for parts of the E-M spectrum to numerics (1..7):
qedes gamma ray.
qedis X-ray.
qedos ultraviolet ray.
qedus infrared ray.
qefas microwave.
qefes radio wave.
qefis power wave, lowest frequency electromagnetic radiation.
