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Re: [romconlang] Re: I've set up a Dodolingi site on MSN Space !

"jian_huang_ysword@hidden.email [romconlang]" <romconlang@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> A: The language prefer Latin form than French form than English form, because the left ones tends to have more vowels than the right ones; for example, supervision > survey > overlook
>  (rephons: la ling pefero la foma Latin, dan la foma Fanzeo, dan la foma Engichu; ba le sinther un tenda ha pusu de voveli dan le dether un; po esampu, {supervision} > {survey} > {overlook})

Note, however, that (leastways in this example) there aren't actually fewer vowels so much as fewer consomants:

super- > O.F. sour- (with loss of -p-) (or in our case, A.Fr. sur-, with the same loss of -p- plus monophthonisation)

videre > O.F. veoir (with loss of -d-)

So, supervidere > A.Fr. surveier > Eng survey

In this case, French & English keep all the Latin vowels! (I disregard final vowels, because even Latin doesn't keep them very well...)
