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"thomas@hidden.email" <thomas@hidden.email> wrote: >The word 'voiag' looks like it has hard 'g'. Can 'g' be soft in other words? I see there is an affricate 'c', like the 'z' in 'ezebe'. In that case the 'sc' in 'dechend' changed to 'ch' before 'c' became 'z'. Under "Phonetics" it says that G is always [g]. If he's taking "Latin" pronunciations, and not Anglo-Italo-Latin pronunciations, then G will always be hard anyway. It's only when you get into later Latin pronunciations that you get soft Gs. One thing was confusing: I had gotten the impression that he was getting rid of "hard to pronounce" sounds like [l] and [r], and yet his texts are replete with words like "parol". But then he also has words like "io". Seems a little inconsistent. Another point of confusion was that he seems to have put himself through an awful regimen of mental gymnastics, just to end up with words that look kinds of like he just whacked off the Latin ending and slightly mangled / weathered the remaining roots a little bit. Or maybe I missed something in the confusing explanation?? Padraic