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Re: [romconlang] An embarrassing lexical gap

Could you use puella? Maybe with an augmentative suffix?  C-a uses huiña <
FEMINA, but if it had used this suggestion it would have had *puejuna, which
would have been interesting since PUELLA dropped from the language.


On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Deiniol Jones <deiniolabioan@hidden.email>wrote:

> Bundài de tutei!
> I've just discovered a rather embarrassing lexical gap in Dravean: I
> have no word for "woman". Given that I *do* have words for such non-
> basic concepts as "sponge cake" (zenuasa), and "hostile" (samaicus),
> this particular oversight is somewhat worrying. However, I'm stuck on
> what to fill the gap with: <feama> /"fjama/, the regular reflex of
> FEMINA, doesn't really appeal to me. And I've already used <moglar>,
> the reflex of MULIER for an adjective meaning "female", and don't
> particularly want to duplicate it.
> In Romansh, the reflex of FEMINA has something of a pejorative ring to
> it, and so has largely been replaced by reflexes of DOMINA. The
> Dravean reflex is <duna>, which is already in use as an honorific
> meaning "Mrs." Now, there's nothing necessarily wrong with using the
> same word as the common noun meaning "woman": German does something
> similar after all, and as part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Dravean
> came under a great deal of German influence. Not only that, there's
> strong pan-Romance support for this substitution: in Occitan the
> regular word for woman is <domna>, for example, as it is in Italian.
> However, I'm wondering if there are any other options? Your thoughts?
> Dan

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