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Re: [romconlang] Orthography Question

On Sep 1, 2008, at 2:21 AM, Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:
First of all: have a look at <http://www.theiling.de/ipa/>
for the system of ascii-transliterating IPA current on this
list (and other offshoots of CONLANG).  It is more
convenient to write [\&]

This should be [&\]...

and [9] since the diphthongs
[OE] and [oe] do actually occur in languages...

The question how you should write /6\/

And so should this.

(I just wanted to take away a source of confusion.)

If you have nothing against diacritics
and you use é and è similar to how they are used in
French then you might use something like

		Front				Back
		Unrounded	Rounded		Rounded

Half-closed	é		ő		ó

Half-open	e		ö		o

Open		è		ȍ		ò

So the bottom line would be [a] [&\] [Q]?