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--- Peter Collier and Benct wrote: > > the meanings 'this' and 'that' are taken over by > > ECCE ISTE > > or ECCU ISTE and ECCE ILLE or ECCU ILLE, e.g. > French > > ce (ces > > in Old French) and cel, Italian questo, quello. > > I used ECCE ISTE etc - can't remember off hand what > it > came to as I don't have my notes here, but something > like keischte? It began /k/[V] anyway. I used QUI ISTUD/ISTA/ISTE in C-a which, IIRC, yielded fistu/a/i for this. "That" derives from IPSUM/A/E and gives isu/a/i. Adam Ed �avisud in junu su�u pera nun regrediri ad ul Erodu, regrediruns ad il sustrus provinchi peu'l via aurra. Machu 2:12