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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...> wrote: > > 1) If you are sending a regular mail from a POP-client: has > the encoding been explicitly set in the mail headers? > > 2) If you are sending thru the web interface: is there an > option to set the encoding, and is it correctly set? > Naturally, when making postings here I'm at the mercy of Yahoo. There are actually some postings about this in the Yahoo help area: people have complained about this before. Yahoo use Windows 1252 for their pages. Since browsers don't expect the encoding to change in the middle of a page, they convert all postings to the old Windows encodings (except when the don't, as with Marc's other posting). This works as long as the old Windows pages included one which covered all the characters used in the posting. It's surprising how many people are using obsolete encodings. The other day I found a pair of Chinese characters in a Cambridge University Press page where inverted commas ought to be. The page had been set up, presumably in China, with the encoding set to an old windows Chinese system. Then the author had put the 'real' quotation marks in as Unicodes, but they naturally displayed as Chinese! David