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Re: [romconlang] Boy and Girl in Romance Languages

Indeed.  While "knave" is part of standard Medievalese in period
movies, etc (usually used as an insult to the manhood of one's
opponent), it's otherwise pretty much extinct in the modern language.
And the off-topicality is wholly my fault...

On 10/16/07, Peter Collier <petecollier@hidden.email> wrote:
> The English cognate is Knave, of course. I don't think
> we really use that word anymore, other than as
> alternative to 'Jack' in playing cards? Pretty
> archaic.
> Anyway, I'm drifting OT.
> --- "Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@hidden.email> wrote:
> > Knabe, eh?  Funny, I don't recall that word from
> > German class.
> > Obviously the source for E-o knabo..
> >
> >

Mark J. Reed <markjreed@hidden.email>