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I forgot to mention the alternative reflex of UNA which I prefer to _one_, namely _na_. The only problem with it is that IN UNA and ET UNA will become homophonous. --- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@...> wrote: > > > Rhodrese, like Einglek(*), has problems with preserving > gender distinctions in pronouns and articles. The etyma in > question here are ILLE and UNU (I simply decided that no > forms of IPSE survived, except METIPSIMUS of course!) > > The regular reflexes are as follows: > > : ILLE el/le ILLA elle/la > : ILLU lo (> le) ILLA la > : ILLUI leu ILLAEI lai > : > : ILLI il/li ILLAE il/le > : ILLOS lo (> le) ILLAS la/le > : ILLORUM laur (ILLARUM liar) > : > : UNU un UNA one > : *UNI eun *UNAE en > > Note that UNU has plural forms, like in Old French and > Spanish. In Rhodrese they *really* are plural forms of the > indefinite article, equivalent to French _des_, since > Rhodrese noun and adjective plurals only are marginally > more distinctive from singulars than in spoken French: they > are formed with i-mutation of the stem vowel(s), basically > _e_ becoming _i_ and back vowels becoming front vowels, and > with _i_ and _eu- /y/ not changing at all, e.g. _figl_ > /fiL/ can be any of 'son, sons, daughters' ('daughter' is > _figle_ -- as you see feminine singulars in _-e_ lose that > final vowel). > > Now as you see there is an embarrassing high incidence of > identical forms in the reflexes of ILLE. Since you can't see > on a noun or adjective plural whether it is masculine of > feminine I may solve much of the ambiguity by having a > single set of forms in the plural -- _el, la, il_ for the > article and the following for the pronoun: > > : Masc. Fem. Plur. > : > : el elle il > : le la li > : leu lai laur > > The problem is that with generically ambiguous > noun/adjective plurals it might be desirable to distinguish > the genders in the article, and the convenience of doing so > in the pronouns is obvious. OTOH languages like German, > Russian and my own L1 (Swedish) get along very well with > such a lack of gender distinction in the plural of both > articles and pronouns. Those cases were a gender > distinction in plural nouns really is crucial can be fixed > in ways attested in OTL Romlangs, like _paire_ 'pear' vs. > _perair_ 'pear-tree', and adding -INA or -ISSA suffixes to > get more distinct feminines, or distinct stems like > _cavall_ vs. _hieghe_. > > The indefinite article would have to follow suit, which is > OK, since _one_ looks like a parody of English and _en_ > would be homophonous with IN. > > What do you all think? > > /Bendetx >